“We began where abortion began, but then we wanted to take this tour where abortion will end, on the streets and the sidewalks of American cities,” Bereit told the crowd gathered outside Planned Parenthood.
40 Days for Life is a large campaign of prayer, vigil and fasting for an end to abortion taking place this month in cities throughout the United States.
With October marking both Respect Life and Down Syndrome Awareness months, Kevin Alviti, president of the Down Syndrome Society of Rhode Island and powerful keynote speaker during the recent diocesan Human Life Guild Day, offers in the second of a two-part Op-Ed a firsthand perspective on the pressures he and his wife faced to abort their baby when doctors determined the child would be born with Down Syndrome.
Bishop Thomas J. Tobin will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Bishop Angell on Monday, October 17 at 12:05 in the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul. All are invited to attend.
Through the dedication of St. Peter Church Pastor Father Roger Gagne and Faith Formation Coordinator Margaret Andreozzi, St. Peter’s Autism and the Sacraments program has met a growing need unlike any standard faith formation program can.
Bishop Tobin will celebrate a Memorial Mass for Bishop Angell on Monday, October 17 at 12:05 in the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul. All are invited to attend.