Diocese to Release Names of Clergy Credibly Accused of Sexual Abuse of Minors Monday, July 1st at 8:00am on the Diocese of Providence Website, www.dioceseofprovidence.org.
The Rhode Island Catholic Conference released a statement after the General Assembly passed legislation that looks to protect all victims of childhood sexual abuse.
The president's threats came and went in tweets, but priests, women and men religious, church-affiliated organizations and even some bishops from around the country were left trying to dampen the fear they sparked among immigrant communities of faith...
As its 14th season comes to a close, the diocesan “Keep the Heat On” program, founded in 2005 by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, has surpassed $3 million in heating assistance provided to those most in need from across Rhode Island.
Offered Mon. through Fri., June 24 to 28. This special week will include Bible Stories, Crafts, Games, Songs and Holy Mass. Learn more, register here... (please click & scroll down the page)