"Today I am here to echo the Holy Father's message: to recognize that we must at all times, but particularly at this moment of great global turmoil, recognize the most vulnerable and welcome them to the extent we are able," ...
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- By blocking two pro-life bills from going to the floor of the U.S. Senate for a vote, senators "failed to advance two critical human rights reforms that most Americans strongly support," ...
The Office of Planning and Financial Services has announced the appointment by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Timothy McCaig to the position of Director of the Office of Stewardship and Development for the Diocese of Providence.
Mother of Hope Camp, a youth summer camp for the Diocese of Providence on beautiful Echo Lake, is very excited to announce their new Camp Director, Michelle Ficocelli.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Lent is a time for deeper dialogue with God through prayer, for renewed gratitude for God's mercy and for increased compassion for people whose lives are under attack, Pope Francis said.
More than 50 religious sisters and brothers — as well as some religious order priests — serving across the Diocese of Providence gathered in prayer and fellowship ...
Great Catholic Music(GreatCatholicMusic.com), a free Catholic music platform is partnering with Irish Catholic recording artist Dana this Lent to bring listeners the hourlong program "The Stations of the Cross," airing every Friday of the penitential season. The program will air at 6 a.m., 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. (Eastern time). The program will consist of spoken reflection and prayer accompanied by music...(CNS)
Strong participation by parishes in the Grateful for God’s Providence capital campaign and continued stable parish assessments, coupled with modest market gains on investments produced a steady financial year for the Diocese of Providence, according to an annual report of diocesan finances...
Five parishes in the Diocese of Providence have “launched” on a five-year journey to become “dynamic” centers of prayer, study, generosity and evangelization.
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- When it comes to the three pillars of Lent, almsgiving is a little bit like the middle child, not always getting the attention that prayer and fasting do.
The Office of Catholic Cemeteries for the Diocese of Providence is offering crypts and niches for sale in a new mausoleum that is designed to evoke the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Providence.