Reverend Richard A. Bucci, 76, Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, West Warwick, died on Friday, March 22, 2024. Calling hours will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from 4 – 7 p.m., at Sacred Heart Church, Providence Street, West Warwick. A Concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial for the repose of Father’s soul will be offered on Wednesday, March 27, at 10 a.m., at Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick. Burial will be in Gate of Heaven Cemetery, East Providence.
Many of these special Holy Masses will be live streamed from the Cathedral on the diocesan YouTube channel, See the full list by visiting our 'Holy Week and Easter' webpage!
Rev. Dennis A. Reardon, 78, Pastor Emeritus of the former All Saints and St. Charles Borromeo parishes, both in Woonsocket, died Thursday, March 21, 2024. Calling Hours will be Monday, March 25, from 4 - 7 p.m., at St. Bernard Church, 275 Tower Hill Road, North Kingstown, followed by a Mass for Vocations at 7 p.m. A Concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial for the repose of Father's soul will be offered on Tuesday, March 26, at 11 a.m., at St. Bernard Church, North Kingstown. Burial will be in St. Mark Cemetery, Jamestown.
The USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities is inviting Catholics to join a focused effort of prayer for the end of abortion and the protection of women and preborn children, beginning on March 25, the eve of the oral arguments to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, and the anniversary of St. John Paul II’s landmark, pro-life encyclical, The Gospel of Life (Evangelium vitae). In particular, we will invoke the intercession of St. Joseph, Defender of Life... St. Joseph, Defender of Life, pray for us! Click for prayer... (Photo: George Martell)
From Bishop Henning: "Is it possible to speak like a Christian but live like an atheist? In the demands and distractions of daily life, is it possible to live much of our day with little thought for God?..."
By Jennifer Barton, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - WARWICK — How does one teach the truths of the Faith to a child who may not be able to speak, much less comprehend the inscrutable mysteries of the Supreme Being – as if any one person truly can? Yet the pews of Catholic churches contain more than a mere handful of people with autism, both children and adults. Since the discovery of this neurological spectrum disorder, the numbers of children diagnosed with autism has skyrocketed to the point that now one in 36 live each day with it. (PHOTO COURTESY SHARON MOITOSO)
Join Bishop Henning beginning at 7 p.m. Tues., March 26 in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence - click to watch and learn more with Sister Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P., Director of the diocesan Office for Religious!
Is it possible to speak like a Christian but live like an atheist? In the demands and distractions of daily life, is it possible to live much of our day with little thought for God?
By RICK SNIZEK, Executive Editor - PROVIDENCE — The Diocese of Providence closed out FY 2023 on a strong positive note, with its investments producing a return of 11 percent for the year ending June 30, 2023.
By Cole DeSantis, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - PROVIDENCE — On Sunday, March 3, seven aspirants to the permanent diaconate from the Diocese of Providence publicly expressed their intention of receiving Holy Orders before the Most Rev. Richard G. Henning, Bishop of Providence, at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul. (PHOTO: COLE DESANTIS)
During this season of Lent, we practice self-denial, intensify our commitment to prayer and seek spiritual opportunities such as missions or retreats. We confess our sins and engage in works of charity. Many of us take time for spiritual reading and study of the Word of God. All of these elements are oriented towards the renewal and deepening of faith as individual disciples and as the Church.
From Alejandro Monteverde, award-winning director of , comes the powerful epic of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian immigrant who arrives in New York City in 1889 and is greeted by disease, crime, and impoverished children. Cabrini sets off on a daring mission to convince the hostile mayor to secure housing and healthcare for society's most vulnerable. With broken English and poor health, Cabrini builds an empire of hope unlike anything the world had ever seen. Find a theater near you!
Three seminarians for the Diocese of Providence at the Pontifical North American College were instituted into the ministry of acolyte this week! Congratulations Stephen Coutcher, Nathan Ledoux, and Mateusz Puzanowski! Click for more!
By Daniel McQuillan, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - The Rhode Island Catholic continues its series on the Eucharist for the second phase of the National Eucharistic Revival, speaking with Brother Sixtus Roslevich, O.S.B., a monk of Portsmouth Abbey in Portsmouth. (Image: RI Catholic)