"...the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” - Matthew 1:20-21 (Image: USCCB)
In observance of Christmas and New Years, please be advised that the diocesan Chancery Office Building, located at One Cathedral Square, Providence, will be closed December 25 through December 29, reopening Tuesday, January 2 at 8:30 a.m.
Held at St. Patrick Church, 244 Smith St., Providence Dec. 24, Dec. 25, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 (Photo courtesy of diocesan office of the Apostolate with People with Disabilities)
The 10 a.m. Christmas morning Holy Mass from the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence with Most Rev. THomas J. Tobin, Bishop Emeritus, will be live streamed from our diocesan YouTube channel - click to watch! (Photo: RI Catholic)
Join us for the Celebration of Christmas in the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul. Can't join us in person? Watch the live stream on diocesan YouTube channel, youtube.com/DioceseofProvidenceRI: - Dec. 24 at 11 p.m. “A Concert of Christmas Meditations" with the Gregorian Concert Choir & Festival Orchestra under the direction of Rev. Msgr. Anthony Mancini and Mr. Philip Faraone, Organist. - Dec. 24 at 12 a.m. The Solemn Celebration of Midnight Mass with Most Rev. Richard G. Henning, Bishop of Providence. - Dec. 25 at 10 a.m. Christmas morning Mass with Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin. (Photo: RI Catholic)
With December 24 falling on the fourth Sunday of Advent this year, Catholics have 2 Mass obligations. Click to understand how to easily satisfy both obligations.
By Dan McQuillan , Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - Christmas is fast approaching, and if you struggle to find a good gift, consider one of the following options...
By Jennifer Barton, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - WARWICK — Starting a business is like bringing a child into this world. A spark of an idea is conceived, growing within a person until the day they bring forth a new creation. The business begins in infancy, with each successive step reminiscent of the progression of childhood as the business owner nurtures their new entity into independent adulthood. (Image: Faith and Grace Design Studios)
By Dan McQuillan, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - WINDSOR, Maine — Thirteen miles east of Augusta, quietly nestled on a hill in Windsor, Maine sits Transfiguration Hermitage. Situated in a green expanse of woods and quiet streams and blueberry fields, the environment is the perfect backdrop for a community of Benedictine contemplative nuns. (PHOTO COURTESY OF TRANSFIGURATION HERMITAGE)
Have you ever noticed the brilliance of the starlight on a clear night in that last hour or two before the dawn? I have strong memories from childhood, being out with my dad on the bay, clutching the thermos and wondering at the vast night. That last hour of night is a time of great stillness, deep quiet, and subtle beauty. Those memories come to my mind each year as we enter the season of Advent.
Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023, marks the beginning of the Advent season, which lasts until Christmas Eve! The first Sunday of Advent is when the liturgical year begins and is a time when we prepare and celebrate in anticipation of the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. Before coming back to Catholicism, I had always understood that Christmas is when Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. However, I didn’t know much more.
Whether there for the Festival of lights, Holy Mass or music, Christmastime at National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette is sure to delight visitors of any age... (Photo: Laura Kilgus)
El 2 de diciembre empezaremos con la Novena a Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe, donde el Sr. Obispo Richard Henning estará visitando distintas parroquias durante la Novena, las fechas están en el flyer adjunto. / On December 2, we will begin with the Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, where Bishop Richard G. Henning will be visiting nine different parishes in the Diocese of Providence during the Novena. Find all dates and locations below.
Saturday, December 2 beginning at 10:30 a.m. concluding with the 5 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence. The day features speakers Rev. Msgr. Anthony Mancini, Cathedral Rector, and Sister Elizabeth Castro, HMSP. Our theme will be: "The coming of Jesus at Christmas and the Mercy of God." Advance registration required. Click for more!
The year 2022 has been one for the ages in the Diocese of Providence. In January, the diocese began the second half of its sesquicentennial, or 150th anniversary, celebration, with many large-scale events planned to engage the faithful. On February 16, 150 years to the date that Pope Pius IX signed the papal bull which officially created the Diocese of Providence on Feb. 16, 1872, a copy of that Vatican document was placed on display at the cathedral. It would turn out to be a historic year in other ways also, including the naming of a coadjutor bishop in December to serve alongside Bishop Thomas J. Tobin as he prepares to submit his intention to retire when he turns 75 on April 1, as prescribed under canon law. At the same time, Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Auxiliary Bishop Robert C. Evans, who submitted his letter of retirement in September, when he turned 75.
On Sunday, December 11, the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul held the annual Sounds of the Season concert to raise funds for the Diocese of Providence’s “Keep the Heat On” program.
St. Nicholas — Father Daniel Mahoney, associate pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Church — pays a special visit to the students at the parish school in East Greenwich on Dec. 6.
“And she gave birth to her firstborn son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger.” (Lk 2:7) Those few words describe the most common of human events – the birth of a child...