From Wed., Sept. 25 through Sun., Nov. 3 we'll hold 40 days of peaceful, prayerful vigils and Rosaries for life and for an end to abortion at the public right-of-way outside 175 Broad St., Providence. 40 Days held in collaboration with RI Right to Life. Learn more or sign up now! (Photo: RI Catholic)
Meet us Sat., Sept. 21 at 10 a.m. at St. Patrick Church, 244 Smith St., Providence. Together we will walk to the RI State House and prayerfully walk around it three times for life. This event is the kick-off to our 40 Days for Life Fall 2024 campaign and is in collaboration with RI Right to Life.
Register now to attend the Office of Life and Family Ministry's annual Human Life Guild Day, Sat., Oct. 5 in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence. The day begins with Holy Mass with Bishop Emeritus Thomas J. Tobin, D.D., immediately followed by brunch and three locally known speakers. Click for more and/or to register. (Photo: RI Catholic)
In Bishop Henning's Aug. 22 'The State of Hope' column in Rhode Island Catholic, he shares: "Last week, Salve Regina University rented space for a high-end political fundraiser on the campus in Newport. I only learned of the decision on the night before the event while away on retreat. I expressed my concerns to the administration to no avail..."
By Cole DeSantis, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - PROVIDENCE — The Rhode Island General Assembly recently completed another legislative session, with many bills proposed or passed this year of particular moral significance for Catholics in the state of Rhode Island.
By Cole DeSantis, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - PROVIDENCE — The Rhode Island Senate voted 29 to 7 on Thursday, May 2, in favor of Bill SB2262, also known as the Healthcare Provider Shield Act. Proposed before the Senate by Sen. Dawn Euer of District 13 (Newport, Jamestown), the bill sought to solidify Rhode Island’s status as a sanctuary state for those seeking medical treatment associated with abortion or transgender-related care.
The USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities is inviting Catholics to join a focused effort of prayer for the end of abortion and the protection of women and preborn children, beginning on March 25, the eve of the oral arguments to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, and the anniversary of St. John Paul II’s landmark, pro-life encyclical, The Gospel of Life (Evangelium vitae). In particular, we will invoke the intercession of St. Joseph, Defender of Life... St. Joseph, Defender of Life, pray for us! Click for prayer... (Photo: George Martell)
By COLE DESANTIS, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent - PROVIDENCE — On Thursday, February 15, the House Judiciary Committee met to discuss HB 7100, also known as the Lila Manfield Sapinsley Compassionate Care Act.
By Cole DeSantis, Rhode Island Catholic correspondent - PROVIDENCE — Local members of the pro-life community gathered for the Jericho Walk on Saturday, September 23. (Photo: Cole DeSantis)
We recently learned of the 250th abortion worker to become pro-life and quit her job. (And number 251 soon followed!)! This fall will see the 24,000th baby saved at a 40 Days for Life vigil! We're closing in on the 150th abortion facility to CLOSE following a 40 Days for Life campaign.! Milestones like these could be the result of God answering YOUR prayers! Find the 40 Days for Life vigil closest to you and sign up to pray this September 27-November 540 Days of peaceful prayer vigils and Rosaries for life and for an end to abortion - in collaboration with RI Right to Life. Sign up your parish or group for a day to pray! (Photo: RI Catholic)
“This year’s legislative session, as always, had its winners and losers but, in my opinion, the entire session was overshadowed by a black cloud with the passage of the so-called Equality in Abortion Coverage Act,” said Father Bernard A. Healey, director of the Rhode Island Catholic Conference. “Sadly now, Rhode Island taxpayers, including Catholics and others, opposed to the killing of the innocent unborn must fund abortions. It is a clear violation of conscience and an attack on the sanctity of human life. This was a major defeat in our state for the respect of human life and the common good.” (RIC file photo)
The RI Senate will vote tomorrow, Thursday, May 18, on a bill (2023 -- H0032) that will allow for state taxpayer-funding for abortion-on-demand in Rhode Island, both through the state-managed Medicaid program and through state employee health benefits programs - - let them know you do not want to fund abortions...
Dear Brothers and Sisters, as you may already be aware, bills are moving forward in our state on the issue of taxpayer-funded abortion. I invite the Catholics of Rhode Island and all people of good will to...
The Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the so-called "Equality in Abortion Coverage Act" (2023-S0032) tomorrow Tuesday, May 16 beginning sometime after 4:00 PM in Room 313 (3rd Floor East Wing) of the RI State House. No testimony will be heard as the hearing was already held this past Tuesday. This is the same bill that was passed by the House on April 27. The bill will allow state taxpayer-funding for abortion-on-demand in Rhode Island, both through the state-managed Medicaid program and through state employees health benefits programs, by removing statutory prohibitions thereupon that have been in place since the seventies. Please keep in mind that these prohibitions already permit state funding for abortions performed in the hard cases of rape, incest, life of mother. We urge you to email the 9 members of the Judiciary Committee, and the Committee Clerk, TODAY...
Last week, the Vermont state legislature legalized assisted suicide for out-of-state residents. Becoming the first state to permit “assisted suicide tourism,” Vermont will now become a haven for any American seeking to end his or her life.
The Rhode Island House of Representatives is voting TODAY Thu., April 27 on a bill (2023 -- H5006) that will allow for state taxpayer-funding for abortion-on-demand in RI, both through the state-managed Medicaid program and through state employee health benefits programs, by removing statutory prohibitions thereupon that have been in place since the '70s. Please keep in mind that these prohibitions already permit state funding for abortions performed in the hard cases of rape, incest, life of mother. Please take a moment now to email your State Representative with a brief and respectful message that you *do not want your tax dollars paying for abortions.* Please share this action alert widely and spread the word. Click to email your state representative now.
PROVIDENCE — A bill before the Rhode Island General Assembly seeks to legalize new burial practices that run counter to Church teachings. Bill HB 6045, also known as “A Bill Relating to Businesses and Professions — Funeral Director/Embalmer And Funeral Service Establishments,” was introduced by Rep. Michelle McGaw (D-District 71 Little Compton, Tiverton, Portsmouth) on March 3. The bill deals with certain new forms of disposal of dead human bodies.
In any cemetery in Rhode Island, you will be sure to find some visitors at the graves of their loved ones. They might be praying for them or just stopping to recall their influence on their lives. For those who have ever made such a visit, you know what consolation it brings. Honoring the past reminds us of the value of the present moment. Honoring those who came before us — and having a place to pay them respect — conforms to the dignity of the human person.
PROVIDENCE — The House Judiciary Committee met on Thursday, March 16, to discuss R.I. House Bill No. 5510, sponsored by State Representative Carol Hagan McEntee (District 33-Narragansett, South Kingstown), which proposes to eliminate the statute of limitations in cases pertaining to those who were sexually abused as minors to bring a civil lawsuit. This bill would eliminate any statute of limitations and apply it retroactively in such cases. (RIC file photo)