I see in my neighbor the Person of Jesus Christ. - Saint Gerard Majella
The Office of Catholic Social Services of Rhode Island is the umbrella organization for a cluster of social ministry programs including Immigration and Refugee Services, Elder Services, Peace and Justice Education, the Cabrini Fund Child Care Scholarship Program, Financial Management, and Chaplaincy Services at the State Institutions. The Office of Catholic Social Services of Rhode Island seeks state, federal, and private funds to support and enhance these services.
Staff members of the Office of Catholic Social Services of Rhode Island operate out of One Cathedral Square, Providence as well as satellite locations in Kent County, Northern RI, South County, Blackstone Valley, and Newport County.
Services Offered at Satellite Offices:
Some services depend on availability of funds. Some eligibility requirements apply.
Services are made available through donations from the Catholic Charity Appeal, State & Federal grants, and the generosity of local parishes.
Aquidneck Island Office
Towns Served: Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, Tiverton
Contact our main office
401-421-7833 or 401-619-4655
Kent County Office - serving Greater Kent County
West Warwick Senior Center (Rear), 145 Washington Street, West Warwick, RI 02893
Hours: Monday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Towns Served: Coventry, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Greenwich, West Warwick
Contact Us
Rosanna Lenus, Kent County Office Coordinator
401-823-6211 or 401-421-7833
Northern RI Office - serving Northern RI
Holy Trinity Parish, 1409 Park Ave., Woonsocket, RI, 02895
Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Towns Served: Burrillville, Glocester, North Smithfield, Smithfield, Woonsocket
Contact Us
Rosanna Lenus, Northern RI Office Coordinator
401-762-2849 | Fax: 401-356-0271
Project Hope Office - serving Blackstone Valley
Diocesan Chancery Building, One Cathedral Square, Providence ~ Project Hope/Proyecto Esperanza
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Towns Served: Central Falls, Cumberland, Lincoln, Pawtucket
Contact Us
Sr. Chan My Nguyen, FMM, Coordinator
Phone: 401-728-0515 | Fax: 401-453-6135 | Email: cnguyen@dpvd.org
Providence Office
Diocesan Chancery Building, One Cathedral Square, Providence, RI 02903
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Towns Served: Barrington, Bristol, Cranston, East Providence, Foster, Johnston, North Providence, Providence, Scituate, Warren.
Contact Us
401-421-7833, ext.207
Keep the Heat On Providence Site
401-421-7833, ext.207
More at heatri.com
South County/Newport Office - serving Greater Washington County
St. Francis of Assisi Church Basement, 114 High Street, Wakefield, RI 02879
Hours: Monday 9 a.m. to 12 noon,;Tuesday/Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Towns Served: Charlestown, Exeter, Hopkington, Narragansett, North Kingstown, Richmond, South Kingstown, Westerly, Hope Valley
Contact Us
Tracy Sciotto, South County Office Coordinator
Tel./Fax: 401-783-3149 | Tel. for Newport Residents: 401-619-4655 | Email: tsciotto@dpvd.org