Parish Finder - Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island - Providence, RI

Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island
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      • *Please contact each parish directly for updated Holy Mass times, etc. Click for more.
        *Please contact each parish directly for updated Holy Mass times, etc. Click for more.
        Parishes may still be updating their information relative to Holy Masses and more. To locate information on Holy Masses, Holy Days, Devotions and more, please contact each parish directly for the most accurate information.

        Thank you & God Bless
      • *Please email any updates for the parish listings below to Thank you!
        *Please email any updates for the parish listings below to Thank you!
      • *Please note: Sacramental Records (i.e., baptismal and marriage certificates) are maintained at the individual parishes and not in the diocesan Archives. Contact the parish directly for more. Parish info below.
        *Please note: Sacramental Records (i.e., baptismal and marriage certificates) are maintained at the individual parishes and not in the diocesan Archives. Contact the parish directly for more. Parish info below.
      • All Saints (Closed and merged into St. Joseph)
        All Saints (Closed and merged into St. Joseph)
        323 Rathburn St., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-3398
        P: 401-766-0626 | F: 401-766-1632

        (Legal Title: All Saints Parish) - Established July 1, 1998, 323 Rathbun St. 

        Unification of Our Lady of Victories, (French) (Legal Title: Church of Notre Dame des Victoires); St. Aloysius, (French) (Legal Title: Saint Aloysius Church of Woonsocket); and St. Ann, (French) (Legal Title: St. Ann’s Church Corporation of Woonsocket, RI).

        *On February 7, 2022: the church building closed permanently. Sacramental records are maintained at 
        St. Joseph Parish, 1200 Mendon Rd, Woonsocket, RI 02895, Tel: 766-0626

        *January 16, 2022: Decrees issued: effective February 7, 2022, All Saints Parish, 323 Rathbun St., Woonsocket, merged into St. Joseph Parish, 1200 Mendon Rd., Woonsocket. All Saints church building permanently closed. St. Joseph Parish assumed the territory and parishioners of All Saints Parish. All sacramental records for All Saints transferred, stored and maintained at the St. Joseph Parish office, Woonsocket.

        *July 16, 2020: Decree issued from the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy, approving the decision of the Diocese of Providence to merge St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Woonsocket, R.I., with the neighboring All Saints Parish. 
         The Vatican also affirmed the diocesan proposal to retain St. Charles Church building as a place of divine worship to be used on an occasional basis at the discretion of the Diocesan Bishop and the Pastor. 
         The Decree emphasizes that the assets of St. Charles Parish now become part of All Saints Parish.

      • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
        Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
        791 Potters Ave., Providence, RI, 02907-3066
        P: 401-941-1248 | F: 401-781-4887
        • Sat: 6:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 7:00 PM Spanish Español Join us for Adoration at 6:00pm (before Mass)
        • 1st Fri: 7:00 PM English English Join us for Adoration at 5:30pm (before Mass)
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
        • Wed: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Mass at 7:00pm following Adoration
        • 1st Fri: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM Mass at 7:00pm following First Friday Adoration
        Legal Title: The Church of the Assumption, Providence, RI) Established June 1871

        Note: Beginning July 2010, St. Anthony Church, 549 Plainfield St., Providence, RI, 02909, is mission church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Providence.

        Pastor: Rev. Gildardo Suarez
        In Residence: Rev. Robert M. Beirne
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Rony Lopez
        Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Angela Daniels
        Religious Education: Coordinator: Mrs. Luz Lopez, Grades 1-adults; Office: 791 Potters Ave., 401- 941-3768
        Holy Day Masses Vigil, 7pm; Holy Day, 9am, 10am (Arlington Manor)
      • Blessed Sacrament
        Blessed Sacrament
        179 Academy Ave., Providence, RI, 02908-4530
        P: 401-751-7575 | F: 401-621-9605
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • MW F 8:00 AM English English
        • Tu F 6:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM (English) 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM (Spanish)
        (Legal Title: The Church of the Blessed Sacrament in Providence, RI) Established Sept. 27, 1888 Incorporated: October 15, 1888
        Pastor: Rev. Charles R. Grondin
        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Roberth Bermeo
        Deacon Assistants: Deacon Jimmie H. Owen, Deacon Luis Garcia & Deacon Steven Valliere
        In Residence: Rev. Albert A. Ranallo Jr. and Rev. Vijay Kiran Anthony Raj
        Holy Day Masses: as announced
        Religious Education: 401- 751-7575
        School: Blessed Sacrament School, 240 Regent Ave., 401- 831-3993; Fax 223-0536;; Principal: Janet Rufull; Grades: PreK-8; Enrollment: 256;
      • Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul
        Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul
        Cathedral Square, Providence, RI, 02903-3603
        P: 401-331-2434 | F: 401-273-0687
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English 1:00 PM English English 6:00 PM English English
        • MF 12:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
        • 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Fri: 12:30 PM to 7:00 PM - Eucharistic Adoration is held every First Friday in the Bishop’s Chapel.
        Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul (Legal Title: SS. Peter and Paul Church, Providence, RI) Established 1837
        Rector: Rev. Msgr. Anthony Mancini
        In Residence : Rev. Humbert M. Oliveira, and Rev. Robert W. Hayman
        Holy Day Masses : as listed in the bulletin
      • Christ the King
        West Warwick
        Christ the King
        124 Legris Ave., West Warwick, RI, 02893-2944
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 9:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 9:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 2:45 PM to 3:30 PM
        (Legal Title: Church of Christ the King, West Warwick)
        (French) Established 1931

        Parish Office:  130 Legris Ave., West Warwick 
        Pastor: Rev. Brian J. Morris
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Timothy J. Lemlin 
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon William J. Schofield
        Holy Day Masses:  9 a.m. or as announced in parish bulletin 
        Special Devotions: Lent: Stations on Mon, 6:30 p.m.
        Religious Education: Office: 130 Legris Ave., West Warwick, RI 02893, 401- 821-9228; Coordinators: Gina Vessella and Sue Vargas
      • Christ the King
        South Kingstown
        Christ the King
        180 Old North Rd., South Kingstown, RI, 02881-1415
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:15 AM English English 11:00 AM English English For June, July, and August 11:30 AM English English for September – May
        • TuTh 9:00 AM English English in the Church
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM Or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Christ the King Church Corporation Kingston)
        Established Nov. 14, 1950, 180 Old North Rd.

        Pastor: Rev. Jared J. Costanza
        Pastoral Associate: Jennifer Marran
        Religious Education: Georgann Lardaro, 401- 789-7459
        Holy Day Masses: 9 a.m. & 7 p.m.
      • Holy Angels
        Holy Angels
        341 Maple Ave., Barrington, RI, 02806-3419
        P: 401-245-7743 | F: 401-245-9698
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Tu Th 12:05 PM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Holy Angel’s Church Corporation) (Italian)
        Established and Incorporated December 17, 1913, 341 Maple Ave.

        Administrator: Rev. Timothy D. Reilly
        Pastor  Emeritus: Rev. Raymond J. Ferrick
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin Reconciliation: On Saturday, 3-3:45 pm or by appointment
        Faith Formation: Please email or call the parish office for information
      • Holy Apostles Church
        Holy Apostles Church
        800 Pippin Orchard Rd., Cranston, RI, 02921-3603
        P: 401-946-5586 | F: 401-946-5066
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English Live-streamed on the parish's Facebook page: Holy Apostles Church, Western Cranston
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Holy Apostles Church, Cranston, RI) Established July 25, 1991, Incorporated Aug. 6, 1991
        PastorRev. William J. Ledoux,
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Richard D. Sheahan 
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Paul D. Theroux
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Gregory P. Albanese
        In-residence: Rev. Msgr. Albert A. Kenney
        Sunday Masses: As announced in parish bulletin
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Consult bulletin or website for day and time
        Religious Education: Life Teen Program Director/Junior Youth Ministry Coordinator: Michael Santilli, email
      • Holy Cross (SUPPRESSED - mission church of St. Thomas, Providence)
        Holy Cross (SUPPRESSED - mission church of St. Thomas, Providence)
        645 Hartford Ave., Providence, RI, 02909-5717
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
        (Legal Title: Corporation of the Church of the Holy Cross) (Italian) Established 1949

        *April 2018, Holy Cross merged with St. Thomas Parish, Providence to become a mission church of St. Thomas. Holy Cross parish closed in 2018.*

        Sacramental records are maintained at St. Thomas Parish, 65 Fruit Hill Ave., Providence, RO 02909, 401.272.7118,
      • Holy Family
        Holy Family
        195 Walcott St., Pawtucket, RI, 02860-3228
        P: 401-724-9190 | F: 401-724-9314
        • Sat: 3:00 PM English English at Fogarty Housing 4:00 PM English English at St. Joseph Church 5:30 PM Spanish Español at St. Joseph Church
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English at Our Lady of Consolation Church 11:00 AM English English at St. Joseph Church
        • MF 8:00 AM English English at St. Joseph Church
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:40 PM St. Joseph Church (or by request at either church location - St Joseph Church or Our Lady of Consolation Church)
        Legal Title: Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket, Rhode Island) Established July 1, 2009 (Unification of Our Lady of Consolation (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Consolation, RI); Sacred Heart of Jesus (Legal Title: The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Pawtucket, RI); and St. Joseph (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church)

        Pastor: Rev. Joseph Craddock
        Religious Education: Coordinator, Laurianne Down, 401- 722-9324
        Confession: 15 min. before all weekend Masses
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in parish bulletin and on the parish webiste,

        Locations of Services:
        Holy Family Parish, 195 Walcott St.
        Our Lady of Consolation Church, 211 Sabin St.
        St. Joseph Church, 195 Walcott St.
      • Holy Family (church building is a mission of Holy Trinity, Woonsocket)
        Holy Family (church building is a mission of Holy Trinity, Woonsocket)
        414 South Main St., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-5193
        P: 401-762-0830 | F: 401-762-3441
        (Legal Title: Church of the Holy Family) (French) Established 1902.  Closed July 1, 2018; merged into Holy Trinity Parish, Woonsocket.The church building of Holy Family operates as a mission parish.

        With the approval of Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Holy Family Parish, Woonsocket, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, North Smithfield, and Sacred Heart Church, Woonsocket, merged to form one new successor parish entity, Holy Trinity Parish, Woonsocket, effective July 1, 2018.

        The Holy Family, Sacred Heart and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs are permanently closed effective July 1, 2018. All parish sacramental records of Holy Family, Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, and Sacred Heart transferred to the office of Holy Trinity Parish effective July 1, 2018. 401.762.5117.

        The new parish's primary worship site will be the Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs church building, 1409 Park Ave., Woonsocket, RI. Contact: 401-762-5117. More:
      • Holy Ghost
        Holy Ghost
        1 Knight St., Providence, RI, 02909-1047
        P: 401-421-3551 | F: 401-421-2615
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 10:30 AM Italian Italiano 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • TuF 7:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 8:25 AM to 9:00 AM (until the 9 a.m. Mass begins)
        • TuF 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM (after each daily 7 a.m. Mass until 8 a.m., Tues. through Fri. NOTE: When Mass is offered by a visiting priest Confession after the Mass might not be available.)
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM During Lent and Advent only 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM (until the Vigil Mass begins at 4 p.m.)
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        (Legal Title: Corporation of the Church of the Holy Ghost, RI)
        (Italian) Established August 1889

        Administrator: Rev. Chinnaiah Yerrnini
        Rectory: 472 Atwells Ave. Providence, RI 02909
        Part-time Associate: Rev. Mauricio Antonio Romero Viquez, OFM Cap
        Holy Day Masses: As announced
      • Holy Ghost
        Holy Ghost
        311 East Hooper St., Tiverton, RI, 02878-1209
        P: 401-624-8131 | F: 401-625-5156
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:00 AM Latin Latine Extraordinary Form
        • MF 7:00 AM English English
        • M F 5:00 PM English English Extraordinary Form, see bulletin updates.
        • Sat: 9:00 AM Latin Latine Extraordinary Form
        • 1st Fri: 7:30 AM *Held on First Friday only: Confession - begins following the 7:00 am First Friday Mass
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
        • MF 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM In the Chapel
        • Sat: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM In the Church
        (Legal Title: Church of the Holy Ghost, North Tiverton) Established 1913

        Pastor: Rev. Jay A. Finelli (email:
        Secretary: Mrs. Fatima Rogers (email:
        Special Devotions: Adoration: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sat. 2-4 p.m. Stations of the Cross - 6:30 p.m. (Fridays of Lent); Rosary: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. and Sat. 8:30 a.m.
        Religious Education: Coordinator: Dr. Kathleen Troost-Cramer, Grades 1-8; RCIA; Continuing Faith Formation;401-624-3664,
        Holy Day Masses: 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.(Extraordinary Form)
        (See website and bulletin for updates)
      • Holy Name of Jesus
        Holy Name of Jesus
        99 Camp St., Providence, RI, 02906-1740
        P: 401-272-4515 | F: 401-272-4616
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM Latin Latine - Latin Extraordinary Form 9:00 AM English English 11:00 AM Latin Latine - Sung Latin Extraordinary Form 12:30 PM English English - African Catholic Community
        • MF 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM Latin Latine - Latin Extraordinary Form
        • Wed: 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        • Wed: 8:00 AM to 5:15 PM in the Lady Chapel: Exposition at 8:00 AM (after Mass), Benediction and Reposition at 5:15 PM
        • 1st Fri: 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM Nocturnal Adoration begins with Mass and Exposition at 8:00 PM and concludes Saturday morning at 8:00 AM with Benediction and Mass
        (Legal Title: Church of the Holy Name of Jesus in Providence, RI) Established Nov. 12, 1882
        Administrator pro tem: Rev. Lazarus Onuh
        African Catholic Community Chaplain: Rev. Lazarus Onuh
        In Residence: Rev. Lazarus Onuh
        Holy Hour: All Sundays of Lent Stations of the Cross with Benediction. All Sundays of May Marian Devotions with Benediction. For other celebrations please see the timetable inside the bulletin. Holy Hour is at 5:00 PM
        Holy Day Masses: Novus Ordo and Traditional Latin Masses as announced 
        Religious Education: Directress: Mrs. Tamera Rocha, Tel. 272-4515
      • Holy Spirit Parish
        Central Falls
        Holy Spirit Parish
        1030 Dexter St., Central Falls, RI, 02863-1717
        P: 401-726-2600 | F: 401-722-0224
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English 6:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English 11:00 AM Spanish Español
        • Mon: 6:45 AM English English Rectory Chapel (side door)
        • Tue: 6:45 AM English English Rectory Chapel (side door)
        • Wed: 6:45 AM English English Rectory Chapel (side door)
        • Thu: 6:45 AM English English Rectory Chapel (side door)
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
        (Legal Title: Holy Spirit Parish, Central Falls, Rhode Island) Established Nov. 9, 2007, 1030 Dexter St. – Unification of Holy Trinity (Legal Title: Church of the Holy Trinity, Central Falls); Notre Dame (Legal Title: Notre Dame Church); and St. Matthew (Legal Title: Saint Matthew’s Church of Central Falls)

        Pastor: Rev. Otoniel J. Gomez
        Pastoral Assistant: Celso Vera (Hispanic)

        Religious Education: 901 Lonsdale Ave., Central Falls 02863, 401- 722-3717; Coordinator: Pierre Larivee;


        Cemetery: Notre Dame Cemetery, 359 Daggett Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 725-1333. E-mail:

        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin 
      • Holy Trinity (CLOSED)
        Central Falls
        Holy Trinity (CLOSED)
        325 Cowden Street, Central Falls, RI
        P: 401.726.2600 | F: 401.722.0224
        Holy Trinity closed 2007.

        See listing for Holy Spirit Parish, Central Falls.

        Building demolished.
      • Holy Trinity (formerly Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs)
        Holy Trinity (formerly Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs)
        1409 Park Ave., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-6597
        P: 401-762-5117 | F: 401-765-8875
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
        (Legal Title: Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs Church Corporation, Woonsocket) Established Sept. 22, 1953

        With the approval of Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Holy Family Parish, Woonsocket, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, North Smithfield, and Sacred Heart Church, Woonsocket, merged to form one new successor parish entity, Holy Trinity Parish, Woonsocket, effective July 1, 2018.

        The Holy Family, Sacred Heart and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs are permanently closed effective July 1, 2018. 

        All parish sacramental records of Holy Family, Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, and Sacred Heart transferred to the office of Holy Trinity Parish effective July 1, 2018.

        The new parish's primary worship site will be the Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs church building, 1409 Park Ave., Woonsocket, RI. Contact: 401-762-5117

        Pastor: Rev. Daniel J. Sweet
        Pastors Emeritus:  Rev. Maurice L. Brindamour & Rev. Joseph D. Schenick
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Jason "Jay" Gardner 
        Holy Day Masses: see bulletin
        Religious Education: Director: Carlene Fontaine; Grades K-6; 401- 767-2576; Facilitator High School Formation: 401-767-2576; Facilitator Jr. High Formation: 401-767-2576; RCIA Director: Rev. Daniel Sweet
        Youth Ministry: Director: Mr. Ryan L. Spooner, 401-767-2576
        Jr. High Youth Minister: Mrs. Christina L. Spooner, 401-767-2576
        Music Ministry: Director: Mr. John J. Guevremont, 401-762-5117
        School: Monsignor Gadoury Regional School: (pre-K – Grade 3) 1371 Park Avenue, Woonsocket, RI, 02895-6598, 401-767-5902,e-mail; web:; Principal, Mrs. Shawn Capron; Pupils: 165; Faculty 11 & 4 aides; Member of the Greater Woonsocket Catholic Regional School System: Regional Office at 1 Social Street, Woonsocket, RI, Mrs. Paula Hurteau, Administrator, 401-762-1095, FAX 401-767-5901, web:
      • Immaculate Conception
        Immaculate Conception
        237 Garden Hills Dr, Cranston, RI, 02920-3429
        P: 401-942-1854 | F: 401-942-2897
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • M W F 12:00 PM English English
        • Tu Th 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
        • Fri: 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM on the First Friday of the month
        (Legal Title: Immaculate Conception Church Corporation, Cranston, RI)
        Established Oct. 2, 1958

        Pastor: Rev. Edward J. Wilson, Jr.
        Deacon Assistants: Deacon Noel Edsall, Deacon Scott S. Brown and Deacon Thomas R. Raspello (Ret.)
        Pastoral Associate: Mrs. Kathy Carreiro
        Parish Center: 237 Garden Hills Dr., Cranston, RI 02920-3429
        Pastor Email:
        Holy Day Masses: Vigil: 7 p.m.; Holy Day: 7 a.m., 12 p.m. and 7 p.m.
        Special Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Fridays, 12 p.m.-7 p.m.; Rosary and Benediction: Mondays in May, 7 p.m. and Tuesdays in October, 6:30 p.m.; Stations of the Cross: Fridays in Lent, 7 p.m.
        Faith Formation: 237 Garden Hills Dr., Cranston, RI 02920-3429, Tel: 942-1854 ext. 230; Coordinator: Ms. Deanna Marinucci, Email: 
        Youth Ministry: Mr. David Annese, Tel: 942-1854
        Elementary School: Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School, 235 Garden Hills Dr., Cranston, RI 02920
        Tel: 942-7245, Fax: 943-5738
        School Principal: Mr. Michael Miele; Email:
        Web:; Grades: PreK-8
      • Immaculate Conception
        Immaculate Conception
        111 High St., Westerly, RI, 02891-1822
        P: 401-596-2130 | F: 401-348-2351
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:00 AM English English 9:00 AM English English (Children's Mass) 11:00 AM English English 5:00 PM English English (except from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, 7pm)
        • 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 7:30 AM to 7:55 AM Or by Appointment
        • Tue: 7:30 AM to 7:55 AM Or by Appointment
        • Thu: 7:30 AM to 7:55 AM Or by Appointment
        • Fri: 7:30 AM to 7:55 AM Or by Appointment
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Or by Appointment
        • 1st Sat: 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
        • Perpetual: Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 24 hrs. daily
        (Legal Title: Church of the Immaculate Conception of Westerly, RI) Established 1886,
        Rev. Giacomo Capoverdi
        Special Devotions:
        -Rosary: Mon.-Sat. 8:30am. 

        -Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal & Divine Mercy Chaplet: Monday, 3pm
        -Liturgy of the Hours: Morning Prayer, 7:30 a.m., Mon.-Fri.
        -Lenten and Advent Missions: To Be Announced

        Holy Day Masses: Vigil: 7pm; Holy Day: 8am., 12:10pm and 7pm
        Religious Education: Director: Rev. Giacomo Capoverdi; Religious Coordinator: Catherine Kimmel, 401- 596-0900, Fax 348-2351
      • Immaculate Heart of Mary
        Immaculate Heart of Mary
        291 High St., Pawtucket, RI, 02863-3118
        P: 401-725-1126 | F: 401-726-4119
        • Sat: 6:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English Children's Mass 12:00 PM Portuguese Português
        • 6:00 PM English English
        • Fri: 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM
        (An operation of: Church of St. Maron in Providence) (Cape Verdean) Established June 18, 1979
        Pastor: Rev. Henrique S.M. Varela, CSSp

        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Jean-Michel Gelmetti, CSSp
        Rectory/Mailing address: 35 Clay St., Central Falls, RI 02863
      • Jesus Saviour
        Jesus Saviour
        1 Vernon Ave., Newport, RI, 02840-1431
        P: 401-847-1267 | F: 401-846-3375
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:00 AM English English (English & Portuguese)
        • M WSa 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment
        • 1st Fri: 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM First Friday Eucharistic Adoration: June, July, August and September in the Church
        (Legal Title: Church of Jesus Saviour-Newport) (Portuguese) Established December 25, 1926

        Pastor: Rev. Hiep V. Nguyen
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Francis A. O’Loughlin
        Holy Day Masses: Most Holy Day Masses are at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 
        Religious Education: Director: Lynn Banigan; Coordinator: Penny Rinfret
      • Mary, Mother of Mankind
        North Providence
        Mary, Mother of Mankind
        25 Fourth St., North Providence, RI, 02911-1409
        P: 401-231-3542 | F: 401-349-2890
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • MTh 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Mary, Mother of Mankind Church Corporation, North Providence)
        Established September 6, 1967, 25 Fourth St.

        In October 2010, St. Lawrence Parish was merged with Mary, Mother of Mankind Parish. 

        Pastor: Rev. TJ Varghese, M.A., M.Th.
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Communion Services on the third  Wednesday of every month 3:15 p.m. (Mineral Spring Gardens) and 4 p.m. (Spring Villa)
        Faith Formation Coordinator: Jean Radican, Grades 1-6; Mrs. Nancy Riccitelli, Confirmation Grades 7-9
      • Notre Dame (CLOSED)
        Central Falls
        Notre Dame (CLOSED)
        668 Broad Street, Central Falls, RI
        P: 401.726.2600 | F: 401.722.0224
        Notre Dame closed 2007.

        Building sold.

        See listing for Holy Spirit Parish, Central Falls.
      • Our Lady of Consolation (see Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket)
        Our Lady of Consolation (see Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket)
        Sabin St., Pawtucket, Rhode Island
        P: 401-724-9190 | F: 401-724-9314
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Consolation, Rhode Island)
        - Established 1895, Sabin St., Pawtucket

        In 2009, Our Lady of Consolation unified to form Holy Family Parish.

        See listing for Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket.
      • Our Lady of Czenstochowa
        Our Lady of Czenstochowa
        445 Washington St., Coventry, RI, 02816-5464
        P: 401-821-7991 | F: 401-821-8714
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • M Tu 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM Or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Czenstochowa)
        (Polish) Organized 1905, Incorporated March 1909, 445 Washington St., Coventry

        Pastor: Rev. Jacek Ploch

        Interim pastoral ministry: Rev. Przemyslaw Lepak (effective from April 15, 2024 to December 15, 2024)
        Holy Day Mass: As announced in the parish bulletin.
        Special Devotions: Holy Rosary: 8 a.m. Monday and Tuesday before the morning Mass 

        Church is Handicapped accessible.
      • Our Lady of Fatima
        Cumberland (Valley Falls)
        Our Lady of Fatima
        1 Fatima Drive, Cumberland (Valley Falls), RI, 02864-8229
        P: 401-723-6719 | F: 401-723-1698
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM Portuguese Português 9:30 AM Portuguese Português 11:00 AM English English
        • M Tu Th F 6:00 PM English English Rosary 5:30pm
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        • Fri: 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Holy Hour from 5pm-6pm
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Valley Falls, RI) (Portuguese) Established February 24, 1953, 1 Fatima Drive
        Pastor: Rev. Fernando P. Cabral
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Armand M. Bartolo
        Holy Day Masses: Vigil, 7pm (Bilingual); Holy Day, 5:30pm (English), 7pm ( Portuguese)
        Special Devotions: Eucharistic Adoration Every Friday 12noon to 5pm; Holy Hour 5pm-6pm.
        Religious Education: Parish Center,7 Fatima Dr., Cumberland, RI 02864, 724-3454; Director: Melissa Difonzo
      • Our Lady of Good Counsel
        West Warwick
        Our Lady of Good Counsel
        60 Pleasant St., West Warwick, RI, 02893-5695
        P: 401-821-6428 | F: 401-821-2472
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English June-Sept. 9:00 AM English English June-Sept. 9:30 AM English English Oct.-May 10:00 AM English English June-Sept. 11:00 AM English English Oct.-May
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Warwick, RI) (French) Established Feb. 19, 1897
        Pastor: Very Rev. Gregory P. Stowe

        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Paul R. Lemoi
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Raymond LaFrance
        Religious Education: Coordinator: Susan Cinieri, 401- 822-1869
      • Our Lady of Good Help & St. Theresa Shrine
        Mapleville (Burrillville)
        Our Lady of Good Help & St. Theresa Shrine
        1063 Victory Hwy., Mapleville (Burrillville) , RI, 02839-1183
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English October through May at Our Lady of Good Help, 1063 Victory Highway, Mapleville (Burrillville) 4:30 PM English English June through September at St. Theresa Shrine, 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville (Nasonville)
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English June through September at Our Lady of Good Help, 1063 Victory Highway, Mapleville (Burrillville) 8:00 AM English English October through May at St. Theresa Shrine, 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville (Nasonville) 10:30 AM English English October through May at Our Lady of Good Help, 1063 Victory Highway, Mapleville (Burrillville) 10:30 AM English English June through September at Our Lady of Good Help, 1063 Victory Highway, Mapleville (Burrillville) 12:00 PM English English June through September at St. Theresa Shrine, 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville (Nasonville) 5:00 PM English English October through May t St. Theresa Shrine, 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville (Nasonville)
        • MSa 8:30 AM English English Year-round at St. Theresa Shrine, 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville (Nasonville) - and on Legal Holidays
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM June through September at St. Theresa Shrine, 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville (Nasonville) 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM October through May at Our Lady of Good Help, 1063 Victory Highway, Mapleville (Burrillville)
        • Fri: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Year-round at St. Theresa, 35 Dion Drive, Harrisville (Nasonville)
        (Legal Title: Eglise de Notre Dame de Bonsecours)
        Established August 24, 1905, Victory Hwy
        St. Theresa of the Child Jesus - Established August 23, 1923 Parishes unified on July 1, 2019 (St. Theresa - Mission Church)

        Pastor: Rev. Jose Parathanal, CMI
        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Cyriac Kalampatt, CMI
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Richard J. Lapierre
        Rectory: 1063 Victory Hwy, Mapleville, RI 02839-1183
        Mailing Address: 35 Dion Dr., Harrisville, RI 02830-1731
        Interparish Mass Schedule :
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Faith Formation: Coordinator: Patricia Ducharme, Tel: 568-8280; SPRED Coordinator: Irma Rodriguez, Tel: 278-4578
        Special Information: St. Theresa is home to the first shrine in THE WORLD dedicated to St. Theresa of Lisieux also known as "Little Flower" or St. Theresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Grounds are open daily from sunrise to sunset.
        Cemetery: St. Theresa Cemetery, 88 Ledoux Dr., Nasonville; Cemetery Manager: Deacon Richard J. LaPierre, Tel: 568-5600
      • Our Lady of Grace
        Our Lady of Grace
        4 Lafayette Ave., Johnston, RI, 02919-2712
        P: 401-231-2220 | F: 401-231-3905
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment
        • Tue: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM First Tuesday (Church)
        Our Lady of Grace (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Grace) (Italian) Established 191

        Pastor: Very Rev. Richard A. Narciso 
        Special Devotions: Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Sat., 3:15 p.m.; Rosary: Sat., 3:30 p.m.; Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: First Tues., 6-7 p.m. (Church); Solemn Feast of La Madonna della Difesa observed each year, beginning the Thurs. after Labor Day to Sun.; Feast Day Mass in Honor of the Madonna, celebrated the Sun. after Labor Day, 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact the rectory
        Religious Education: Administrator: Mrs. Joanne Burley, 401- 231-8959, Fax 231-3905

      • Our Lady of Loreto
        East Providence
        Our Lady of Loreto
        346 Waterman Ave., East Providence, RI, 02914-2637
        P: 401-434-3535 | F: 401-434-3535
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English 7:30 PM Other Brazilian
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title. Church of Our Lady of Loreto, East Providence, RI)
        (Italian) Established 1920, 346 Waterman St.

        Pastor: Rev. Julian Bernad, SdC
        Weekday and Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotion: Rosary before daily Masses (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) see bulletin for times; Divine Mercy Chaplet (Friday prior to Mass) see bulletin for times (note: changes during Lenten Season)
        Sacrament of Baptism: Every Sunday after 10:30 Mass
        Faith Formation: Director: Douglas E. Green, Tel: 434-3535
        Like us on Facebook   Our Lady of Loreto@ourladyofloretoepri
      • Our Lady of Lourdes
        Our Lady of Lourdes
        901 Atwells Ave., Providence, RI, 02909-3120
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 6:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Lourdes) (French) Established August 15, 1904

        Pastor: Rev. Marek S. Kupka  
        Holy Day Masses: 10 a.m.
      • Our Lady of Mercy
        East Greenwich
        Our Lady of Mercy
        65 Third St., East Greenwich, RI, 02818-3525
        P: 401-884-4968 | F: 401-884-1415
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English (Nov.-Apr.) 5:00 PM English English (May-Oct.)
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 5:00 PM English English (Oct. - April)
        • MF 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:30 AM English English (Sat. and legal holidays)
        • Mon: 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM All year
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM (Nov.-Apr.) 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM (May-Oct.)
        (Legal Title. Our Lady of Mercy, Greenwich, RI)
        Established 1853

        Pastor: Rev. Bernard A. Healey, JCL, STL (
        Holy Day Masses: Vigil, 5 p.m.; Holy Day, 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m. (school year) and 7 p.m. 
        Special Devotions: First Friday Adoration: September – June; Marian Devotions Mondays, 7 p.m. (October & May); Stations of the Cross, Fridays of Lent 7 p.m.
        Faith Formation: Mr. Jeremy Long, Director, Email:; Faith Formation Office: 884-4968
        Outreach Office: Douglas E. Green, Director, Email:; Mercy House, Tel: 884-4410
        Elementary School: Our Lady of Mercy Regional School, 55 Fourth Ave., East Greenwich, RI 02818 Tel: 884-1618, Fax: 885-3138 Principal: Mr. Patrick H. McNabb, Email: Web:; Grades: PreK-8
        Convent: Our Lady of Mercy Convent, 36 Fourth Ave., East Greenwich, RI 02818 (Religious Sisters of Mercy) Convent: Franciscan Apostolic Sisters Convent, 66 5th Ave., East Greenwich, RI 02818 (Religious Franciscan Apostolic Sisters)

      • Our Lady of Mount Carmel
        Our Lady of Mount Carmel
        141 State St., Bristol, RI, 02809-2205
        P: 401-253-9449 | F: 401-253-5687
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • MF 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Bristol) (Italian) Established 1917, 141 State St.

        Pastor: Rev. Henry P. Zinno, Jr.

        Parish Center: 131 State St. | Tel: 401-253-1719
        Holy Day Masses: Consult the bulletin.

        Special Devotions: First Friday Masses: 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.; Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Ann: Wednesday, 7 a.m.; Novena to St. Anthony and St. Jude: Tuesday, 7 a.m.; Nocturnal Adoration: Eve of First Friday, all night, 6 p.m.-7 a.m.
         Faith Formation: Director/Confirmation Director: Rose Malloy, Tel: 253-5052, Email:
        Elementary School: Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, 127 State St., Bristol, RI 02809 
        Tel: 253-8455, Fax: 254-8234 
         Principal: Mrs. Jessica Saglio, Email:
         Web:; Grades: PreK-8
      • Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (CLOSED)
        Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (CLOSED)
        472 Atwells Ave., Providence, RI, 02909-1047
        P: 401.421.3551 | F: 401.421.3551
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Providence) (Italian) Established December 1921. Closed July 1, 2016; merged into Holy Ghost Parish, Providence.

        The merge of Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish into Holy Ghost Parish in Providence was approved by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin.

        *The church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel closed permanently effective July 1, 2016. *

        Building sold.

        All sacramental records are located at Holy Ghost Parish, 472 Atwells Avenue, Providence, P: 401.421.3551, 401.421.3551.
      • Our Lady of the Rosary
        Our Lady of the Rosary
        21 Taverse St., Providence, RI, 02903-4302
        P: 401-421-5621 | F: 401-421-0783
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:00 AM Portuguese Português 8:45 AM English English 11:30 AM Portuguese Português
        • M Tu Th F 5:00 PM English English
        • Wed: 8:00 AM English English
        • 1st Fri: 6:30 PM to 6:45 PM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of the Rosary) (Portuguese)
        Established Feb. 18, 1886

        Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Escobar
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Victorino M. Andrade
        Rectory: 463 Benefit St., Providence, RI 02903-4302
        Holy Day Masses: 6 p.m. (English) and (Portuguese)
        Special Devotions: Fridays of Lent: Mass at 6 p.m.; Stations of the Cross at 6:30 p.m.
        Faith Formation Coordinator: Elisa Guerra Thibeault, Tel: 273-1685, Email:

      • Our Lady of Victories (CLOSED)
        Our Lady of Victories (CLOSED)
        120 Prospect Street, Woonsocket, RI
        P: 401-762-1100 | F: 401-765-6321
        Closed 1998.

        Building sold.

        See listing for All Saints, Woonsocket.
      • Our Lady of Victory
        Hopkinton (Ashaway)
        Our Lady of Victory
        169 Main St., Hopkinton (Ashaway), RI, 02804-2243
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 8:00 AM English English
        (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Victory, Ashaway)
        Established October 18, 1946, 169 Main St.

        Administrator: Rev. Francesco Francese
        Deacon: Deacon Ronald P. Preuhs
        Facebook: Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Church
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin Reconciliation: Upon request or by appointment
        Faith Formation: Director: Jessica Gerjes, Tel: 539-8311, option #3
      • Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (closed 07.01.18 - is the location of Holy Trinity Parish)
        Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (closed 07.01.18 - is the location of Holy Trinity Parish)
        1409 Park Ave., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-6597
        P: 401-762-5117 | F: 401-765-8875
        Effective July 1, 2018: With the approval of Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Holy Family Parish, Woonsocket, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, North Smithfield, and Sacred Heart Church, Woonsocket, merged to form one new successor parish entity, Holy Trinity Parish, Woonsocket.

        Effective July 1, 2018: The Holy Family, Sacred Heart and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs are permanently closed . All parish sacramental records of Holy Family, Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, and Sacred Heart transferred to the office of Holy Trinity Parish. Contact 401.762.5117,
        *The new parish's primary worship site will be the Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs church building, 1409 Park Ave., Woonsocket, RI. Contact: 401-762-5117 More:*
      • Precious Blood
        Precious Blood
        34 Joffre Avenue, Woonsocket, RI, 02895
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • M Tu Th F 12:00 PM English English **Held at St. Agatha's Chapel, 34 Joffre Ave., ​Woonsocket
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: The Church of the Precious Blood of Woonsocket, RI) (French) Established 1873
        06.2018: Precious Blood, Woonsocket, has merged their office with St. Agatha’s in Woonsocket:*
        Precious Blood Parish
        34 Joffre Avenue
        Woonsocket, RI  02895

        Pastor: Rev. Michael Kelley
        Special Devotions: Rosary before morning Mass at 7:45 a.m. (Mon., Wed., and Fri.)
        Faith Formation: K-10, 767-2950
      • Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (merged into St. Anthony, North Prov.)
        North Providence
        Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (merged into St. Anthony, North Prov.)
        5 Gibbs Street, North Providence, RI, 02904-4503
        P: 401-353-3120 | F: 401-353-3120
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English
        • MTh 8:30 AM English English *Weekday morning Masses held at St. Anthony Church (Trinity Chapel), 1413 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI 02904-4543*
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
        - Established 1912, 1081 Mineral Spring Ave. SEND NO MAIL

        12-05-22: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish of North Providence and St. Edward Parish of Providence to merge into St. Anthony Parish, North Providence effective December 31, 2022. St. Anthony Parish will assume the territory, parishioners, debts and assets, and sacramental records of Presentation and St. Edward Parishes. All sacramental records will be maintained at the St. Anthony Parish office at 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence. The Presentation and St. Edward church buildings will remain open and available as additional worship venues of St. Anthony Parish. More -

        Mailing Address: 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence, RI 02904
        Pastor: Rev. Edward S. Cardente
        Associate Pastor: Rev. Stephen Kwak
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Louis A. Vani
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin or online
        Parish Outreach Ministries: Mary’s Meals to the Poor – Leslie  401-545-5698
        Faith Formation: Tel: 401-353-5215

      • Sacred Heart
        East Providence
        Sacred Heart
        118 Taunton Ave., East Providence, RI, 02914-4550
        P: 401-434-0326 | F: 401-434-5240
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English Held at City View Manor 5:00 PM English English (May-Oct.)
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English (Nov.-Apr.) 9:00 AM English English 11:30 AM English English 7:00 PM English English
        • 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM (Any time by appointment)
        • Tu W 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM (Held in the Chapel)
        • Sat: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (Held in the Chapel)
        (Legal Title. Church of the Sacred Heart) Established January 1876, Incorporated Nov. 1, 1887, 100 Taunton Ave.
        Pastor: Rev. Silvio DeNard, SdC
        Assistant Pastor
        Rev. Perianayagasamy Anandarayar, SdC
        In-residence: Rev. Maria Julian Bernad Lourdusamy, SdC
        Holy Day Masses: 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
        Rosary Crusade: 2nd Saturday of the Month, 12:00 Noon
        Sunday Religious Education (CCD): Directress, Ms. Sandy Duarte, Grades 1-10, Tel. (401) 439-2335
        Elementary School: Sacred Heart School, 56 Purchase St., East Providence, RI 02914; Tel: (401) 434-1080, Fax: 434-1080 (call first). Principal: Mr. Mo Guernon, email:
        Sacred Heart Children Day Care Center: 101 Taunton Ave., East Providence, RI 02914, Tel: 434-2462
        Sacred Heart Senior Day Care Center: 118 Taunton Ave., East Providence, RI 02914, Tel. and Fax: (401) 714-0145; Director: Sr. Margaret Mary Schissler, DSMP 

        School: Sacred Heart School, 56 Purchase St., 401- 434-1080, Fax 434-1080 (call first), Elementary School: Principal: Sr. Nancy McLennon, DSMP;; Grades: K-8; Enrollment: 165; Sacred Heart Day Care Center: 101 Taunton Ave., 401- 434-2462; after school
      • Sacred Heart
        West Warwick
        Sacred Heart
        820 Providence St., West Warwick, RI, 02893-1135
        P: 401-821-4184 | F: 401-828-8883
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:00 AM English English 11:15 AM English English
        • 9:00 AM English English
        • 1st Fri: 6:00 PM English English
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM
        (Legal Title: Church of the Sacred Heart, Natick, RI) (Italian) Established 1929
         Administrator pro tem: Very Rev. Gregory P. Stowe
         Special Devotions: Mon. (except for holidays): Cenacle Prayer and Mass, 6 p.m.; Tues. morning: Our Lady of Miraculous Medal followed by Mass; Thurs. morning: St. Jude followed by Mass; First Fri.: Masses, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
         Religious Education: 401- 821-4184

      • Sacred Heart (07.01.18 closed and merged with Holy Trinity)
        Sacred Heart (07.01.18 closed and merged with Holy Trinity)
        415 Olo St., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-4035
        P: 401-762-5117 | F: 401-765-8875
        (Legal Title: Church of the Sacred Heart, Woonsocket, RI) Established Sept. 10, 1895.  Closed July 1, 2018; merged into Holy Trinity Parish, Woonsocket. This building is closed.

        With the approval of Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Holy Family Parish, Woonsocket, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, North Smithfield, and Sacred Heart Church, Woonsocket, merged to form one new successor parish entity, Holy Trinity Parish, Woonsocket, effective July 1, 2018.

        The Holy Family, Sacred Heart and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs are permanently closed effective July 1, 2018. All parish sacramental records of Holy Family, Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, and Sacred Heart transferred to the office of Holy Trinity Parish effective July 1, 2018, 401.762.5117,

        Sacred Heart building sold.

        The new parish's primary worship site will be the Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs church building, 1409 Park Ave., Woonsocket, RI. Contact: 401-762-5117 More:
      • Sacred Heart of Jesus (see Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket)
        Sacred Heart of Jesus (see Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket)
        38 Park St., Pawtucket, Rhode Island
        P: 401-724-9190 | F: 401-724-9314
        (Legal Title: The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Pawtucket, RI) - Established Aug. 1, 1872, 38 Park St.

        In 2009, the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus unified to form  Holy Family Parish.

        See listing for Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket.
      • SS. John and James
        West Warwick
        SS. John and James
        20 Washington St., West Warwick, RI, 02893-4919
        P: 401-821-7661 | F: 401-821-7274
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 6:30 AM Latin Latine Extraordinary form 8:00 AM Bilingual Bilingual 10:30 AM English English
        • MSa 8:00 AM Latin Latine @ St. Mary, Extraordinary form
        • 1st Fri: 8:00 AM English English @ SS John and James
        • Mon: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at St. Mary
        • Tue: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at SS John and James
        • Sat: 3:30 PM at SS John and James
        • Mon: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at St. Mary
        • Tue: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at SS John and James
        (at the Church of St. John the Baptist) (Legal Title: SS. John and James Parish) - Established 2003

        On July 1, 2019 St. Mary Church, West Warwick became a mission church of  SS. John and James Parish, West Warwick.

        Pastor: Rev. Nicholas T. Fleming
        Rectory/Parish Office: 20 Washington Street West Warwick, RI 02893.
        ​​​​​​Holy Day Masses: 8:00 a.m. at St. Mary Church, 7:00 p.m. at SS John and James Church
        Religious Education Coordinator: Deb Doyle, 401- 821-7661 ext. 12
        Cemetery: St. Joseph Cemetery in Arctic; Cemetery Clerk: Jackie Henderson Tel: 822-7661
      • SS. John and Paul
        SS. John and Paul
        341 South Main St., Coventry, RI, 02816-5911
        P: 401-821-5764 | F: 401-828-5351
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • MF 9:00 AM English English In the Rectory Chapel
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: SS. John and Paul Parish Corporation, Coventry, RI) Established September 25, 1955

        Pastor: Rev. Michael J. Woolley
        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Doan V. Nguyen
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Walter J. Foster
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the bulletin or parish website
        Special Devotions: Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesdays following the 9 a.m. Mass; Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays from after the 9AM Mass to 3PM.
        Faith Formation: Coordinators Ann Sartell, Grades 1-8; Patricia Jarvis, Confirmation, Tel: 821-4780
        Elementary School: Fr. John V. Doyle School, 343 South Main St., Coventry, RI 02816, Tel: 821-3756, Fax: 828-8513; Principal: Mr. Kevin Peloquin, Email:, Web:; Grades: PreK-8
      • SS. Peter and Paul
        West Warwick
        SS. Peter and Paul
        48 Highland St., West Warwick, RI, 02893-2198
        P: 401-821-2198 | F: 401-821-3873
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: S.S. Peter and Paul’s Church, Phoenixville, RI) Established 1853

        Pastor: Very Rev. Gregory P. Stowe

        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert J. Giardina
        Holy Day Masses: Vigil 5:00 p.m.; Holy Day 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
        Special Devotions: St. Jude: Thurs., 9 a.m. (followed by Mass); Stations of the Cross: Fridays during Lent, 3 p.m.
          Faith Formation Coordinator: Rev. Robert J. Giardina, Tel: 821-2198
          Cemetery: SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery (Phoenix), Tel: 821-2198

      • SS. Rose and Clement
        SS. Rose and Clement
        111 Long St., Warwick, RI, 02886-7725
        P: 401-739-0212 | F: 401-732-4144
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment (at St. Clement)
        • 1st Fri: 12:00 PM to 7:30 PM
        (Legal Title: Saint Rose’s Church Corporation, Warwick) Established Oct. 10, 1950, Main Ave.
        Established Aug. 31, 1961, 111 Long St.

        (Parishes of St. Rose and St. Clement merged on Dec. 13, 1998)

        Effective July 1, 2021 St. Catherine Parish, Warwick, and St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Warwick, merged into SS Rose and Clement Parish, Warwick. All sacramental records for St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi parishes transferred to the office of SS. Rose and Clement Parish, 111 Long St., Warwick, where they will be permanently maintained.

        All Masses are celebrated at SS. Rose and Clement Church, 111 Long St.

        Pastor: Rev. D. Andrew Messina
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Brian Callahan
        Parish Office: 111 Long St., Warwick, RI 02886-7725
        Holy Day Masses:  8 a.m. and 6 p.m. or as announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Stations of the Cross: Fridays during Lent, 7 p.m. (St. Clement Church)
        Faith Formation: Ms Christine Reilly, Grades 1-10, Tel: 739-0212 
        Elementary School: St. Rose of Lima School, 200 Brentwood Ave., Warwick, RI 02886; Tel: 739-6937; Fax: 737-4632; Principal: Mrs. Kim D. Izzi; Email:; Web:; Grades: PreK-8
      • St. Adalbert
        St. Adalbert
        866 Atwells Ave., Providence, RI, 02909-2523
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM Polish Polski 11:30 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English In Convent Chapel
        • Sun: 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
        • Thu: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
        (Legal Title: St. Adalbert’s Church)
        (Polish) Established February 7, 1902, 866 Atwells Ave.

        Pastor: Rev. Marek S. Kupka  
        Holy Day Masses: Holy Day, 8 a.m. (Polish) and 7 p.m. (English) 
        Faith Formation Coordinator: Sr. Janice Marie Gaudette, CSSF, Tel: 831-3336
        Convent: St. Adalbert’s Convent, 856 Atwells Ave., Providence, RI 02909, Tel: 831-3336
        Superior: Sr. Janice M. Gaudette, CSSF

      • St. Agatha
        St. Agatha
        34 Joffre Ave., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-5596
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English
        • M Tu Th F 12:00 PM English English **At St. Agatha's Chapel, 34 Joffre Avenue ​Woonsocket
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        • Thu: 12:30 PM to 5:00 PM
        • 1st Fri: 12:30 PM to 5:00 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Agatha’s Church Corporation,Woonsocket) Established 1953
        *06.2018: Precious Blood, Woonsocket, has merged their office with St. Agatha’s in Woonsocket:*
        Precious Blood Parish
        34 Joffre Avenue
        Woonsocket, RI  02895

        Pastor: Rev. Michael Kelley
        Special Devotions: Adoration Thursday and First Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
        Faith Formation: K-10, 401-767-2950
      • St. Agnes
        St. Agnes
        100 Chatham St., Providence, RI, 02904-2542
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 12:00 PM English English September to May
        • Tue: 12:10 PM English English Mass & Novena to St. Jude
        (Legal Title: St. Agnes Church)
        Established July 20, 1904, 100 Chatham St.

        Administrator: Rev. Nolasco Tamayo

        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Frank S. Salmani
        Rectory: 351 Branch Ave., Providence, RI 02904-2542
        Special Devotions: Mass and Novena to St. Jude on Tuesdays at 12:10 p.m.

        Faith Formation: Contact the rectory for information, Tel: 861-7265
      • St. Aidan (merged into St. Aidan-St. Patrick)
        St. Aidan (merged into St. Aidan-St. Patrick)
        1460 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI, 02864-5510
        P: 401-333-5897 | F: 401-333-5078
        (Legal Title: St. Aidan Church Corporation, Cumberland, RI) - Established 1962, Diamond Hill  Road
        Merged into St. Aidan-St. Patrick July 1, 2018
        See St. Aidan &  St. Patrick Parish, Cumberland
      • St. Aidan & St. Patrick
        St. Aidan & St. Patrick
        1460 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI, 02864-5510
        P: 401-333-5897 | F: 401-333-5078
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment
        • Wed: 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Aidan Church Corporation Cumberland)
        - Established 1962, Diamond Hill Rd.
        (Legal Title: St. Patrick’s Church Corporation, Valley Falls, Rhode Island)
        - Established July 28, 1861; merged into St. Aidan-St. Patrick July 1, 2018

        Pastor:  Very Rev. Msgr. Jacques L. Plante
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Robert L. Lafond
        Parish Office: PO Box 7058, 1460 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI 02864
        Holy Day Masses:  Vigil: 6:00 p.m.; Holy Day: 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
        Special Devotion: Rosary: Wednesday, 3:30 p.m.
        Religious Education: Ms. Darlyn Gomes-Hidalgo, Director. Office: Tel: 333-9074; Email: 
        St. Patrick Cemetery (305 High Street, Valley Falls)
        Mount Calvary Cemetery (143-195 Curran Road, Valley Falls)
        Parish cemeteries of St. Aidan-St. Patrick -- Office: PO Box 7058, 1460 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland, RI 02864, (401) 725-0344
      • St. Alexander
        St. Alexander
        218 Main St., Warren, RI, 02885-4304
        • Sun: 9:15 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM At St. Mary of the Bay, 645 Main St., Warren
        (Legal Title: Saint Alexander’s Church Corporation, Warren) (Italian)
        Established 1915, 218 Main St., Merged into Saint Mary of the Bay, July 2023

        Pastor: Rev. Joseph R. Upton, Ph.D.
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        St. Alexander Cemetery Office: Tel: 245-7000, ext. 15

        06-19-23: St. Alexander Parish to merge into St. Mary of the Bay Parish, both in Warren, effective July 7, 2023. St. Mary of the Bay Parish will receive the membership of St. Alexander Parish. All sacramental records containing the records of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Marriage, and deaths of St. Alexander Parish will be transferred to the parish office of St. Mary of the Bay Parish, 645 Main St., Warren, RI, where they will be faithfully maintained in accord with Canon 535. More -

      • St. Aloysius (CLOSED)
        St. Aloysius (CLOSED)
        323 Rathbun Street, Woonsocket, RI
        P: 401-762-1100 | F: 401-765-6321
        Closed 1998.
        This location is now All Saints Church.
        See listing for All Saints, Woonsocket.
      • St. Ambrose
        Lincoln (Albion)
        St. Ambrose
        191 School St., Lincoln (Albion), RI, 02802-0067
        P: 401-333-1568 | F: 401-333-8941
        • Sat: 5:15 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:15 AM English English
        • Mon: 7:30 AM English English
        • Wed: 7:30 AM English English
        • Fri: 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Ambrose Church, Albion) - Established November 12, 1892, 191 School St.

        Pastor: Rev. Carl B. Fisette, to Sabbatical Studies at the Pontifical North American College, Institute for Continuing Theological Education, effective from January 19th to April 15th, 2025
        Administrator Pro Tem: Rev. Bernard C. Lavin (January 19th to April 15th, 2025)
        Rectory: 191 School St., PO Box 67, Albion, RI 02802-0067
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Rosary: weekdays before Mass; Morning Prayer: Monday, Wednesday and Friday after 7:30
        a.m. Mass; Tuesday and Thursday at 8 a.m.; Stations of the Cross: Wednesdays during Lent, 6:30 p.m.
        Faith Formation Director: Mrs. Robin Carney, First Communion Preparation and Grades K-4, Tel: 333-1568, Email:; Director of Confirmation & Youth Ministry: Matthew Daly, Grades 5-8, Tel: 333-1568 Email:
      • St. Andrew
        New Shoreham(Block Island)
        St. Andrew
        Spring St., New Shoreham(Block Island), RI, 02807-0279
        P: 401-466-5519 | F: 401-466-3118
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English Summer, Fall, and Spring
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English Summer - Chapel Street Church 10:00 AM English English Parish Center, Spring St.; October to May 10:00 AM English English Summer - Chapel Street Church
        • MTh 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Andrew’s Church Corporation, Block Island) - Established 1917

        Pastor: Rev. Joseph Protano, Jr.
        Rectory: Spring Street, Box 279, Block Island, RI 02807-0279
        Director of Faith Formation:
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin 
        Special Services: Ecumenical observances during the year and choir recitals
        Faith Formation Director: Sr. Irene Nerney, RSM
      • St. Ann
        St. Ann
        2 Russo Street, Providence, RI, 02904-1243
        P: 401-861-5111 | F: 401-861-5111
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • MTh 7:30 AM English English (Lower Church)
        • Wed: 7:00 PM Spanish Español (Lower Church) (Note: Adoration before Mass at 6 p.m.)
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM (and by appointment)
        • Wed: 6:00 PM (Lower Church) (Note: following is 7:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish)
        (Legal Title: St. Ann’s Catholic Church of Providence, RI)
        (Italian) Established Sept. 2, 1895, 280 Hawkins St.

        Pastor: Rev. Nolasco Tamayo
        In Residence: Rev. Antony Jeya Siluvai Rayan & Rev. Aijt Oram
        Rectory: 2 Russo St., Providence, RI 02940-1243
        Join us on Facebook!
        Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 p.m. (English) – 6:00 p.m. (Spanish)
        Sunday Masses: 10 a.m. (English) – 12:00 noon (Spanish) 
        Weekday Masses: Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. (Lower Church); Wednesdays: 6:00 p.m. Adoration & 7:00 p.m. 
        Mass (Spanish) (Lower Church)
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Novena in honor of St. Ann: July 18-26, 6:30 p.m.
        Pastoral Assistant (English Community): Jo-Anna Perfetto, Tel: 861-5111, Fax: 861-5111
        Pastoral Assistant (Spanish Community): Hilda Lopez, Tel: 401-440-5277, Fax: 861-5111

      • St. Ann (CLOSED)
        St. Ann (CLOSED)
        82 Cumberland Street, Woonsocket, RI
        P: 401-762-1100 | F: 401-765-6321
        Closed 1998.

        Building sold.

        See listing for All Saints, Woonsocket.
      • St. Ann (CLOSED)
        St. Ann (CLOSED)
        1493 Cranston Street, Cranston, RI, 02920
        St. Ann Church closed in 2013.
        Sacramental records are maintained at St. George (Maronite) Parish, 1493 Cranston St., Cranston, RI, 02920, 401.723.8444.
        (St. George Church is at the old St. Ann Church)
      • St. Anthony
        North Providence
        St. Anthony
        1413 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI, 02904-4503
        P: 401-353-3120 | F: 401-353-5126
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • MTh 8:30 AM English English Trinity Chapel at St. Anthony Church, 1413 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI 02904-4543
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM at Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, 1081 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Anthony’s Church Corporation, North Providence)
        - (Italian) Established January 15, 1944, 1413 Mineral Spring Ave.

        12-05-22: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish of North Providence and St. Edward Parish of Providence to merge into St. Anthony Parish, North Providence effective December 31, 2022. St. Anthony Parish will assume the territory, parishioners, debts and assets, and sacramental records of Presentation and St. Edward Parishes. All sacramental records will be maintained at the St. Anthony Parish office at 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence. The Presentation and St. Edward church buildings will remain open and available as additional worship venues of St. Anthony Parish. More -

        Pastor: Rev. Edward S. Cardente
        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Stephen Kwak
        Rectory: 5 Gibbs St., North Providence, RI 02904-4503
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin or online
        Special Devotions:
        -St. Anthony Mass & Novena: every Tuesday, 8:30 a.m.
        -Abba-Ave Prayer Ministry, every Tuesday at 10:30 AM in the Trinity Chapel
        -Mens’ Prayer Group as announced 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.
        Faith Formation: First Eucharist and Penance Directors: Sr. Carol Anne Murray, RSM and Sr. Diane Marie Pederzani, RSM; Michelle Ficocelli, Jr. High/Confirmation: Coordinator: Maryann Pallotta, Tel: 353-5215
        Convent: Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy, 2 Pope St., North Providence, RI 02904 ,Tel: 353-8654, Sr. Patricia Onyeje, Superior
        Parish Outreach Ministries:
        Saint Anthony Kitchen Ministry: First and third Sunday, 12noon – 1 p.m., served in the Parsh Center Gymnasium, Michelle, 714-7253
        Saint Anthony Mobile Ministry:  Christine, 353-3120

      • St. Anthony
        St. Anthony
        128 Green St., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-4565
        P: 401-766-2640 | F: 401-766-2640
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 1:30 PM Vietnamese Tiếng Việt *ON THE SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH ONLY 5:00 PM English English
        • MF 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM Or by appointment
        Legal Title: St. Anthony’s Church, Woonsocket, RI)
        (Italian) Established Nov. 14, 1924

        Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Ronald P. Simeone, JCL
        CCD Coordinator: Debra Silva, 401-766-2640

      • St. Anthony
        St. Anthony
        32 Lawn St., Pawtucket, RI, 02860-3523
        P: 401-723-9138 | F: 401-725-5615
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM Portuguese Português 10:30 AM English English
        • MW F 9:00 AM Portuguese Português All weekday Masses in Portuguese
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Fri: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Holy Hour
        (Legal Title: Saint Anthony’s Church Corporation, Pawtucket)
        (Portuguese) Established 1926, 32 Lawn Ave.

        Administrator: Rev. Nuno M. Da Silva Rodrigues, CSSp

        Special Devotions: Holy Hour every Friday at 8:00am; Prayer group every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. 
        Faith Formation Coordinator: Carlos Baptista, K-Grade 10  
      • St. Anthony
        West Warwick
        St. Anthony
        10 Sunset Ave., West Warwick, RI, 02893-4516
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM Portuguese Português 11:00 AM English English
        • MW F 8:00 AM English English In the Chapel
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Anthony’s Church Corporation, River Point) (Portuguese) Established 1925

        Pastor: Rev. Brian J. Morris
        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nuno Miguel da Silva Rodrigues, CSSp
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Carlos Botelho and Deacon Alexander Marchetti III
        Holy Day Masses: 8 a.m. (Portuguese) and 6:30 p.m. (English)
        Special Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday  from 9 a.m.—6 p.m. with Holy Hour from 6-7 p.m. in the chapel.  Rosary daily during the months of May and October at 6 p.m. in the chapel.
      • St. Anthony
        St. Anthony
        2836 East Main Rd, Portsmouth, RI, 02871-2608
        P: 401-683-0089 | F: 401-683-9680
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:15 AM English English
        • Fri: 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM Or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Anthony’s Church of Portsmouth) Established 1901

        Parochial Administrator: Very Reverend David J. Thurber
        Deacon Assistant: Paul St. Laurent
        Holy Days: please check Mass announcements or call the parish office
      • St. Anthony (mission church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Prov.)
        St. Anthony (mission church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Prov.)
        549 Plainfield St., Providence, RI, 02909-4645
        • Sat: 4:00 PM Bilingual Bilingual
        • Sun: 10:30 AM Bilingual Bilingual
        • Thu: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Join us at 3:00pm for Divine Mercy service
        (Legal Title: St. Anthony’s Church Corporation, RI) Established 1900.

        Note: July 2010 St. Anthony Church became a mission church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Providence, 401-941-1248.

        Sacramental records maintained at St. Anthony Church.

        Pastor: Rev. Gildardo Suarez

      • St. Augustin
        St. Augustin
        2 Eastnor Rd., Newport, RI, 02840-3840
        P: 401-847-0518 | F: 401-845-9497
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English
        • M Tu 7:30 AM English English at St. Augustin, corner of Carroll and Harrison Avenues, Newport
        • W Th 7:30 AM English English at St. Mary, Spring St., Newport
        • Tue: 8:00 AM Immediately following the 7:30 a.m. Mass
        (Legal Title: Saint Augustin’s Church of Newport)
        Established May 2, 1911, Corner of Carroll and Harrison Avenues

        Pastor: Rev. Mark A. Sauriol
        Parish Office: 12 William St., Newport, RI 02840
        Mailing Address: PO Box 357, Newport, RI 02840
        Holy Day Masses: at
        Faith Formation: Coordinator: Shawn Burns

      • St. Augustine
        St. Augustine
        639 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Providence, RI, 02908-1937
        P: 401-831-3503 | F: 401-331-0414
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • MF 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Augustine’s Church, Providence, RI)
        Established July 1929

        Church's Mailing Address: 20 Old Road, Providence, RI 02908

        Pastor: Rev. Christopher M. Mahar
        Special Devotions: Perpetual Novena of the Miraculous Medal: every Friday after the 7 a.m. Mass; Rosary and 
        Benediction: May and October, Monday, 7 p.m.; Stations of the Cross and Benediction: Mondays in Lent, 7 p.m.
        Faith Formation Director: Mr. Timothy McGinn
        School: St. Augustine School, 635 Mount Pleasant Ave., 401- 831-1213, Fax 831-4256; E-mail:; Principal: Mr. Peter Shaughnessy,; Grades: PreK-8; Web:

      • St. Barnabas
        St. Barnabas
        1697 East Main Rd., Portsmouth, RI, 02871-2427
        P: 401-683-1343 | F: 401-683-5065
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English Sept-June
        • MTh 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
        • Wed: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Barnabas Church Corporation, Portsmouth) Established Aug. 27, 1963

        Pastor: Very Rev. David G. Thurber, Jr.
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon John J.B. Silvia
        Business Manager: Mary Lou Proulx
        Faith Formation: Coordinator, Marcia Blackburn,401- 683-3147
      • St. Bartholomew
        St. Bartholomew
        305 Laurel Hill Ave., Providence, RI, 02909-3834
        P: 401-944-4466 | F: 401-946--5866
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English 6:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:30 AM Spanish Español 11:30 AM English English
        • 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Tue: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Bartholomew’s Church Corporation) (Italian) Established 1907
        Administrator: Rev. Felimon Rodriguez Sixtos, CS
        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Joseph Pranzo, C.S.
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Robert L. Gallo 
        Special Devotions: Novena and Benediction, Tues., 7 p.m.; First Fri.: Mass, 7:30 a.m.; Rosary is recited 25 minutes before the start of the weekend Masses
        Religious Education: Director: Mrs. Rosanna Grillo, 401- 419-4242

      • St. Basil (Melkite)
        St. Basil (Melkite)
        15 Skyview Dr., Lincoln, RI, 02865-3005
        P: 401-722-1345 | F: 401-722-2436
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 11:15 AM Other Arabic and Greek
        • 1st Fri: 1:00 PM English English
        Legal Title: Church of St. Basil the Great, Lincoln) (Melkite Greek Catholic Eparchy of Newton) Established 1907
        Pastor: Rev. 
        Ephrem Kardough
        Assistant: Rev. Archdeacon George Yany
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Edmond B. Raheb; Deacon Gilbert Altongy
        In Residence: 
        Rt. Rev. Exarch Joseph S. Haggar
        Special Devotions: First Fri. Liturgies: 1 p.m
      • St. Benedict (church building closed permanently; merged into St. Kevin)
        St. Benedict (church building closed permanently; merged into St. Kevin)
        135 Beach Ave., Warwick, RI, 02889-2729
        P: 401-737-2638 | F: 401-732-2832
        (Legal Title: St. Benedict’s Church, Conimicut) Established Oct. 1, 1914

        *As of November 17, 2021:
        St. Benedict parish, Warwick, merges into neighboring St. Kevin parish. St. Benedict church building closed permanently November 17, 2021. Details here -

        * As of July 2021:
        Parish Office is closed. 
        Sacramental Records are at St. Kevin Church, 333 Sandy Lane Warwick RI, 401-737-2638.

        *As of May 2020: all Masses held at  St. Kevin Church

        *As of July 1, 2017: St. Benedict's is yoked with St. Kevin Parish, 333 Sandy Lane, Warwick.

        Administrator: Rev. Robert L. Marciano KHS
        Pastor Emeritus : Rev. Roland L. Simoneau
      • St. Bernard
        North Kingstown (Wickford)
        St. Bernard
        275 Tower Hill Rd., North Kingstown (Wickford), RI, 02852-4811
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:00 AM English English 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
        • Tue: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
        (Legal Title: St. Bernards Roman Catholic Church of Wickford, RI)
        Established 1874, 275 Tower Hill Rd.

        Pastor: Rev. David F. Gaffney
        Pastor Emeritus : Rev. John E. Unsworth
        Pastoral Assistant: Mr. Angelo J. Giacchi
        Holy Day Masses: 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.
        Special Devotions: Daily Rosary after 8 a.m. Mass
        Faith Formation: Director for Elementary Grades: Dawn Masterson; Director for Confirmation and Youth Ministry:  Christina Pichette; Tel: 295-0387, Email: 

      • St. Brendan
        East Providence (Riverside)
        St. Brendan
        60 Turner Ave., East Providence (Riverside), RI, 02915-3200
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM
        (Legal Title. St. Brendan’s Church) Established 1909
        Pastor: Rev. 
        Scott J. Carpentier
        Life Long Faith Formation (Religious Education): 55 Turner Ave., 401.433.2680, Coordinator: Tammy Primmer
        Good Neighbors Soup Kitchen at St. Brendan’s: 401.433.0045

      • St. Brigid (CLOSED)
        St. Brigid (CLOSED)
        1231 Plainfiled St., Johnston, RI, 02919-6922
        P: 401-942-5203 | F: 401-464-6422
        (Legal Title: St. Brigid’s Church of Johnston) Established 1915

        St. Brigid Church, Johnston, closed July 1, 2019. All sacramental records and inquires referred to St. Rocco Parish, Johnston, 927 Atwood Avenue, Johnston, RI  02919-6240, P: 401-942-5203, F: 401-464-6422, E:
      • St. Casimir (CLOSED)
        St. Casimir (CLOSED)
        348 Smith St., Providence, RI, 02908-3726
        (Legal Title: St. Casimir’s Church, Providence, RI) (Lithuanian) Established November 1919.

        Closed July 1, 2017.

        Building demolished for low-income housing.

        Please direct inquiries to 401.278.4500.

        Sacramental records are held at:
        St. Patrick Chuch
        244 Smith St., Providence, RI, 02908-4922
        P: 401-421-7070 | F: 401-751-7085
      • St. Catherine (CLOSED; merged with SS Rose and Clement, Warw.)
        St. Catherine (CLOSED; merged with SS Rose and Clement, Warw.)
        3252 Post Rd., Warwick, RI, 02886-7131
        P: 401-739-0212 | F: 401-732-4144
        (Legal Title: St. Catherine’s Roman Catholic Church of Warwick, RI) Established 1916.

        2023: Church building sold.

        Effective July 1, 2021 St. Catherine Parish, Warwick, and St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Warwick, merged into SS Rose and Clement Parish, Warwick. All sacramental records for St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi parishes transferred to the office of SS. Rose and Clement Parish, 111 Long St., Warwick, where they will be permanently maintained. The SS. Rose and Clement church building is the primary worship site. The St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi church buildings will remain available for occasional use, as pastoral needs demand.

        Pastor of SS. Rose and Clement: Very Rev. D. Andrew Messina
        Pastor Emeritus of St. Catherine: Rev. Pierre J. Plante (07.01.21)
        Religious Education: Please register for program at SS. Rose and Clement Parish, 401-739-0212

        All Masses are celebrated at St. Clement Church, 111 Long Street, Warwick, RI 02886.
        Please send all correspondence to St. Clement Church, 111 Long Street, Warwick, RI 02886.
        Phone: 401-739-0212
        Fax: 401-732-4144

      • St. Catherine of Siena
        Little Compton
        St. Catherine of Siena
        74 Simmons Ave., Little Compton, RI, 02837-0208
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
        • 1st Fri: 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Catherine’s Church Corporation, Little Compton) Established 1930
        Saint Madeleine Sophie Parish merged into Saint Catherine of Siena Parish effective January 24, 2023. Parish and sacramental records will be maintained at the St. Catherine of Siena Parish office. More -

        Pastor: Rev. Stephan A. Silipigni
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Gerald W. Hussey
        Holy Day Masses:  on the Holy Day 8 am and 7 pm
        Special Devotions: Rosary & Benediction following the 8:00am Mass on First Fridays.
        Religious Education: Director: Karen Lambert, 401- 635-4420
      • St. Cecilia (merged into St. John Paul II, Pawtucket)
        St. Cecilia (merged into St. John Paul II, Pawtucket)
        1253 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, RI
        P: 401-722-1220 | F: 401-726-3392
        See listing for St. John Paul II Church, Pawtucket

        Elementary School: St. Cecilia School, 755 Central Avenue, pawtucket, RI 02861, T: 723.9463; F: 722.1444; W:; grades: preschool-8

        St. Cecilia Residence: Sisters of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, 760 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861; T: 722.5455; F: 722.1444
      • St. Charles Borromeo
        St. Charles Borromeo
        178 Dexter St., Providence, RI, 02907-2463
        P: 401-421-6441 | F: 401-421-4009
        • Sat: 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 8:00 AM Spanish Español 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM Spanish Español
        • 8:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 7:00 PM Spanish Español Healing Mass: Last Tuesday
        • Thu: 7:00 PM English English Healing Mass: Third Thursday
        • Sat: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
        • Perpetual
        (Legal Title: St. Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Church, Providence, RI) (French) Established 1874
        Pastor: Rev. Jaime A. Garcia

        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Jairon Olmos
        Pastoral Assistant: Deacon Jose Rico
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Joseph Braga
        Special Devotions: Healing Mass (Spanish) last Tues. of every month, 7 p.m.; last Thurs of every month, 7 p.m. (English); Prayer Meeting: Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Spanish Prayer Meeting: Tues., 7:30 p.m.; Youth Meeting (Hispanic): Fri., 7:30 p.m.

      • St. Charles Borromeo
        St. Charles Borromeo
        190 North Main St., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-3140
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Charles Borromeo’s Church, Woonsocket, RI) -  Established 1846, 8 Daniels St. Woonsocket, RI 02895

        *On January 13, 2020: the church building closed for an indefinite period. The church building is open for 
        occasional liturgical celebrations only. Sacramental records are maintained at St. Joseph Parish, 1200 Mendon Rd, 
        Woonsocket, RI 02895, Tel: 766-0626. Cemetery:

        *On 07.16.2020: Decree issued from the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy, approving the decision of the Diocese of Providence to merge St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Woonsocket, R.I., with the neighboring All Saints Parish. 
         The Vatican also affirmed the diocesan proposal to retain St. Charles Church building as a place of divine worship to be used on an occasional basis at the discretion of the Diocesan Bishop and the Pastor. 
         The Decree emphasizes that the assets of St. Charles Parish now become part of All Saints Parish.

        *On 12.18.19 the Diocese of Providence announced that Bishop Thomas J. Tobin has revoked (rescinded) his decree for the relegation (permanent closing) of the church building. This comes after the written request of December 2 from Father Joseph Upton, then-Administrator of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, as well as Bishop Tobin’s additional consultations with the Council of Priests and College of Consultors on December 4. The church building was set to close permanently as of January 13, 2020.  
         At the same time, Bishop Tobin has also approved Father Upton’s December 2 written request for St. Charles Borromeo church building to be closed for an indefinite period beginning on January 13, 2020.  
         The decree for the suppression of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, however, remains in effect for January 13, 2020. 
         Bishop Tobin intends to create a special task force to begin a comprehensive study and work with the various parties involved to discuss the future of the church building.*  
         *On 11.18.19 it was announced that St. Charles Borromeo, Woonsocket, is set to close early 2020; final Masses will be celebrated on the weekend of January 11/12, 2020. All sacramental records of St. Charles Borromeo will remain at their current location, the rectory office of All Saints Parish, 323 Rathbun St., Woonsocket.*

      • St. Christopher
        St. Christopher
        265 Stafford Road, Tiverton, RI, 02878
        P: 401-624-6644 | F: 401-624-9889
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English at St. Theresa Church
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English
        • Thu: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM at St. Theresa Church
        (Legal Title: Saint Christopher’s Church of Tiverton) Established 1925
        Pastor: Rev. Phillip J. Dufour
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Timothy P. Flanigan
        Special Devotions
        - Divine Mercy Chaplet on Tues., 3 p.m.
        - Morning Prayer, Thurs., 7:45 a.m.
        - First Friday Mass, 9:30 a.m. at Brookdale Nursing Home
        - Adoration every first Thurs. of the month except during the Seasons of Advent and Lent, 6-7 p.m.
        - Weekly Adoration with Reconciliation on Thurs., Season of Lent, 6-7 p.m.
        - Weekly Stations of the Cross on Fri., Season of Lent, 6 p.m.
        Outreach Ministry Serving Tiverton:  Mrs. Cynthia Wesling, 624-8746
        Religious Education: Director, Dawn Grinnell , 401- 624-8746
        Outreach Ministry Serving Tiverton: Mrs. Cynthia Wesling, 624-8746
      • St. Clare (Misquamicut)
        St. Clare (Misquamicut)
        4 Saint Clare Way, Westerly, RI, 02891-5214
        P: 401-348-8765 | F: 401-596-9930
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        (Legal Title: St. Clare’s Church Corporation, Misquamicut) Established 1946

        Pastor: Rev. Peter J. D’Ambrosia
        Deacon Assistants: Deacon Stephen R. Cote, Deacon John M. McGregor and Deacon W. Carl LaFleur (Retired)
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Kenneth J. Suibielski
        Holy Day Masses: 8 a.m.
        Religious Education: held at St. Pius X, Elm St., Westerly, RI,
      • St. Edward (CLOSED - a mission of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Pawtucket)
        St. Edward (CLOSED - a mission of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Pawtucket)
        58 Hancock St., Pawtucket, RI, 02860-2629
        P: 401-722-5425 | F: 401-729-0341
        (Legal Title: St. Edward’s Church of Pawtucket) Established April 7, 1904. 

        In 2014 St. Edward parish closed and became a Mission Church of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish,
        103 Pine St., Pawtucket, RI,  401.722.5425. Please refer to the listing for  St. Mary of the Immaculate ConceptionI for information.*
      • St. Edward (merged into St. Anthony, Prov.)
        St. Edward (merged into St. Anthony, Prov.)
        997 Branch Ave., Providence, RI, 02904-1008
        • Sat: 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 11:30 AM Spanish Español
        • MTh 8:30 AM English English *Weekday morning Masses held at St. Anthony Church (Trinity Chapel), 1413 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI 02904-4543*
        • Wed: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM at Presentation of BVM, 1081 Mineral Spring Ave., N. Providence or by appointment
        • Wed: 6:00 PM Exposicion del Santisimo
        (Legal Title: The Church of St. Joseph Geneva, RI)
        - Established 1874, 997 Branch Ave. SEND NO MAIL

        12-05-22: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish of North Providence and St. Edward Parish of Providence to merge into St. Anthony Parish, North Providence effective December 31, 2022. St. Anthony Parish will assume the territory, parishioners, debts and assets, and sacramental records of Presentation and St. Edward Parishes. All sacramental records will be maintained at the St. Anthony Parish office at 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence. The Presentation and St. Edward church buildings will remain open and available as additional worship venues of St. Anthony Parish. More -

        Pastor: Rev. Edward S. Cardente
        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Stephen Kwak
        Mailing Address/Rectory: 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence, RI 02904-4503
        Holy Day Mass: As announced
        Faith Formation: Maryann Pallotta, Tel: 353-5215
        Parish Outreach Ministries:
        -St. Edward Kitchen:  997 Branch Avenue, Providence.  Serving lunch on the Second and Fourth Saturday each month in the church basement from 12 noon – 1:00 PM.  Michelle – 451-4339 or Pat 353-4032
        -St. Edward Food Pantry:  1001 Branch Avenue, Providence.  Every Wednesday 10 AM – 12 Noon and 5PM – 6 PM.  Lori Porcaro, Director.  602-1880. Website:
        -Holy Family Home for Women and Children:  Shelter for Women and Children only.  Locked facility, no walk ins.  Ernest Spaziano, Director.  304-7744 or email,

      • St. Elizabeth
        St. Elizabeth
        577 Wood St., Bristol, RI, 02809-2326
        P: 401-253-8366 | F: 401-253-7695
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English (Advent to Easter) 5:00 PM English English (Easter to Advent)
        • Sun: 7:30 AM Portuguese Português 9:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • MW F 7:30 AM Portuguese Português
        (Legal Title: Saint Elizabeth’s Church of Bristol)
        (Portuguese) Established April 14, 1913, 577 Wood St.

        Pastor: Rev. Vander S. Martins
        Senior Priest Associate: Rev. Jose F. Rocha
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Reconciliation: Saturday, 40 minutes before Mass or by appointment
        Special Devotions: First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 1-4 p.m.; Confessions, 1-2:30 p.m. and Benediction; Rosary every day in October
        Faith Formation, Family Catechesis & Youth Ministry: Co-Directors: Mrs. Karen Costa and Mrs. M. Connie Martins, Tel: 253-3501, Email:
      • St. Eugene
        Glocester (Chepachet)
        St. Eugene
        1247 Putnam Pike, Glocester (Chepachet), RI, 02814-1100
        P: 401-568-5102 | F: 401-567-7847
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations. 10:15 AM English English *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        • M F 7:45 AM English English *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        • Sat: 8:30 AM English English *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        • Wed: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM or by appointment
        • Wed: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Eugene’s Church Corporation, Chepachet) Established September 11, 1956, 1247 Putnam Pike 

        Pastor: Rev. Stephen J. Dandeneau
        Rectory: 1251 Putnam Pike, PO Box A, Chepachet, RI 02814-1100
        Holy Day Masses: As scheduled in the parish bulletin
        *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        Faith Formation: Fr. Dandeneau, Grades K-10, Tel: 568-5102
      • St. Francis de Sales
        North Kingstown
        St. Francis de Sales
        381 School St., North Kingstown, RI, 02852-1845
        P: 401-884-2105 | F: 401-885-4315
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:00 AM English English Bible Nursery during Mass in parish center 11:30 AM English English
        • 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM or by appointment
        • Fri: 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM in Chapel
        (Legal Title: St. Francis de Sales Church Corporation, North Kingstown) Established 1960 (New church dedicated by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin on Oct. 16, 2011)
        Pastor: Very Rev. David C. Procaccini
        Assistant: Rev. D. Andrew Messina

        Deacon Assistant:  Deacon Ronald H. De Pietro
        Special Devotions: Every Friday: Exposition in chapel, 7:00am to 7:00pm
        Religious Education: Director of Grades 1-5 & Confirmation, Kathleen Kane, 401.885.3639, ext. 208; Director of Grades 6-8 and parish Service Coordinator, Kristen Soucie, 401.885.3639, ext. 209.

      • St. Francis of Assisi
        South Kingstown
        St. Francis of Assisi
        128 High St., South Kingstown, RI, 02871-3141
        P: 401-783-4411 | F: 401-783-9667
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English At St. Francis of Assisi Church, Wakefield 5:30 PM English English Summer only: at St. Romuald Chapel, Matunuck
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English Summer only: at St. Romuald Chapel, Matunuck 9:00 AM English English At St. Francis of Assisi Church 10:00 AM English English Summer only: at St. Romuald Chapel, Matunuck 10:00 AM English English Winter only: at St. Romuald Chapel, Matunuck 11:00 AM English English At St. Francis of Assisi Church, Wakefield
        • M Tu Th F 7:00 AM English English At St. Francis of Assisi, Wakefield
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM (at St. Francis Church)
        (Legal Title: Saint Francis’s Church)
        Established 1879, 128 High Street

        Pastor: Rev. Albert D. Ranallo, Jr.
        Rectory: 114 High St., Wakefield, RI  02879-3141
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Nicholas P. Smith
        Pastor Emeritus:   Rev. Henry J. Bodah 
        Deacon Assistant:  Deacon John Dowd
        Holy Day Masses:  As announced in the parish bulletin
        Chapel at Matunuck: St. Romuald’s Mass Schedule
        -Summer: Saturday, 5:30 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
        -Winter:  Sunday, 10 a.m.
        Special Devotions: The Cenacle of The Divine Mercy: St. Romuald Chapel, Matunuck, every 2nd and 4th Thurs., 7-8:30 p.m.
        Religious Education: Director: Mrs. Barbette Cullen, 401-792-8684
        Cemetery: St. Francis Cemetery (Wakefield), Bob Moniz, Cemetery Manager, 401-782-2711
      • St. Francis of Assisi (CLOSED; merged with SS Rose and Clement, Warw.)
        St. Francis of Assisi (CLOSED; merged with SS Rose and Clement, Warw.)
        618 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick, RI, 02886-1387
        P: 401-739-0212 | F: 401-732-4144
        (Legal Title: St. Francis Church Corporation, Hillsgrove) Established Aug. 7, 1943.

        2023: Church and school buildings sold.

        Effective July 1, 2021 St. Catherine Parish, Warwick, and St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Warwick, merged into SS Rose and Clement Parish, Warwick. All sacramental records for St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi parishes transferred to the office of SS. Rose and Clement Parish, 111 Long St., Warwick, where they will be permanently maintained. The SS. Rose and Clement church building is the primary worship site. The St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi church buildings will remain available for occasional use, as pastoral needs demand.

        Pastor of SS. Rose and Clement: Very Rev. D. Andrew Messina
        Pastor Emeritus of St. Francis: Rev. Pierre J. Plante (07.01.21)
        Religious Education: Please register for program at SS. Rose and Clement Parish, 401-739-0212

        All Masses are celebrated at St. Clement Church, 111 Long Street, Warwick, RI 02886.
        Please send all correspondence to St. Clement Church, 111 Long Street, Warwick, RI 02886.
        Phone: 401-739-0212
        Fax: 401-732-4144

        Convent: St. Francis Convent, Religious Order: Sisters of St. Joseph, 249 Chestnut St., Warwick, RI 02888-1320, 401- 781-2464
      • St. Francis Xavier
        East Providence
        St. Francis Xavier
        81 North Carpenter St., East Providence, RI, 02914-4501
        P: 401-434-1878 | F: 401-438-1950
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM Portuguese Português Português 9:30 AM English English 11:45 AM Portuguese Português Português
        • M W F 6:00 PM Portuguese Português Rosary is recited one-half hour before daily Mass (Português)
        • Tu Th F 12:05 PM English English Rosary is recited one-half hour before daily Mass
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment
        • Fri: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM First Friday Holy Hour (English) 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM First Friday Holy Hour (Português)
        (Legal Title. Saint Francis Xavier’s Church)
        (Portuguese) Established January 12, 1915, 79 North Carpenter St.

        Pastor: Rev. Jorge V. Rocha (
        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nuno Miguel da Silva Rodrigues, CSSp
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Rosary is recited one-half hour before daily Mass; English Holy Hour on First Friday at 11 a.m.; Portuguese Holy Hour on First Friday at 5 p.m.; Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 12:30-6 p.m.
        Faith Formation Director: Rosemary Carvalho, Tel: 742-9622
      • St. George (Maronite)
        St. George (Maronite)
        1493 Cranston St., Cranston, RI, 02920-6740
        P: 401-723-8444 | F: 401-728-2032
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English (Maronite Rite)
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English (Latin Rite) 10:30 AM English English (Maronite Rite)
        • Sun: 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM 30 mins before Mass
        Trinity – St. George Maronite Church Maronite Rite, Eparchy of St. Maron) Established 1911, 50 Main St., Pawtucket, RI 02860 – (Now located at the former St. Ann’s Church)
        Pastor: Rev. Tony Saab 

      • St. Gregory the Great
        St. Gregory the Great
        360 Cowesett Rd., Warwick, RI, 02886-8530
        P: 401-884-1666 | F: 401-884-2448
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English (Oct.-March) 5:00 PM English English (April-Sept.)
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • MF 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM (Oct.-March) or by appointment 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM (April-Sept.) or by appointmet
        (Legal Title: St. Gregory the Great Church Corporation, Warwick)
        Established Sept. 10, 1961, 360 Cowesett Rd.

        Administrator: Rev. David F. Ricard
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Alfred V. Ricci 
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Dan Ackerson
        Rectory: 41 Sandro Dr., Warwick, RI 02886-8530
        Holy Day Masses: Holy Day, 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
        Religious Education: Director: Angela Christianson Grades K-6; Director: Juliette Demers, Grades 7-10, Tel: 884-1666 ext 3
      • St. James
        Lincoln (Manville)
        St. James
        33 Division St., Lincoln (Manville), RI, 02838-1321
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 8:30 AM English English
        • Thu: 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. James Church of Manville) - Established 1874

        Pastor: Rev. Carl B. Fisette, to Sabbatical Studies at the Pontifical North American College, Institute for Continuing Theological Education, effective from January 19th to April 15th, 2025
        Administrator Pro Tem: Rev. Bernard C. Lavin (January 19th to April 15th, 2025)
        Parish Office: 45 Division St., PO Box 60, Manville, RI 02838-0060
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Faith Formation Coordinator: Paul Adam, Grades K-8, Tel: 766-1558, Email:
        Youth Ministry: Paul Adam, Tel: 766-1558
        Convent: Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 33 Division St., Manville, RI 02838-1321, Tel: 766-1558
      • St. James Chapel (part of St. Mary, Carolina)
        St. James Chapel (part of St. Mary, Carolina)
        2079 Matunuck Schoolhouse Rd., Charlestown, RI, 02813-0000
        P: 401-364-7214 | F: 401-213-6327
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 2:00 PM English English Healing Mass 2nd Sunday of the month Sept-June
        • MF: 8:30 AM English English (Communion Service on Fridays)
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM
        • Mon: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM
        • Tue: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM
        • Wed: 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Holy Hour
        Part of the faith-filled community of St. Mary Church, Carolina.

        See listing for St. Mary, Carolina.
      • St. Jean Baptiste (CLOSED)
        St. Jean Baptiste (CLOSED)
        324 Main Street, Warren, RI
        St. Jean Baptiste Church closed permanently January 1, 2018. 

        The parish was merged with St. Mary of the Bay Church, 645 Main Street, Warren, in 2010, becoming a “mission” church of St. Mary’s.

        St. Jean Baptiste Mission was later closed in 2018. Building sold.

        Sacramental records for St. Jean Baptiste Church Mission are kept at St. Mary of the Bay Church, Warren, 401.245.7000.
      • St. Joan of Arc
        St. Joan of Arc
        3357 Mendon Rd., Cumberland, RI, 02864-2112
        P: 401-658-2084 | F: 401-658-2086
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • 7:30 AM English English (Legal Holidays, 8am)
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 7:30 AM to 7:50 AM First Saturday before 8am Mass 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Joan’s Church, Cumberland, RI) Established July 26, 1929
        Pastor: Rev. Michael J. McMahon

        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Norman W. Bourdon
        Special Devotions: Daily Rosary: 7:10 a.m.; Marian Devotions: Oct., Tues., 7 p.m. & May, Mon., 7 p.m.; Stations of the Cross: Tues., 7 p.m. during Lent

        Holy Day Masses:  Vigil 5 p.m.; Holy Day 7:30 a.m., 12noon, 6:30 p.m.
        Religious Education: 401- 658-0734; Administrator: Francine M. Salinger; SPRED: 401- 658-1174; Colleen Touchette
      • St. John Paul II
        St. John Paul II
        755 Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI, 02861-2101
        P: 401-722-1220 | F: 401-726-3392
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM English English
        • M Tu Th F 5:15 PM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 4:15 PM and by appointment
        • MF 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM in the St. Teresa Adoration Chapel, please use the Newport Ave. church entrance
        (Legal Title: Saint John Paul II, Pawtucket, RI)
        (Formerly: Blessed Pope John Paul II, Pawtucket, Rhode Island)
        Established 2011, Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI  02861
        Unification of the following parishes: St. Cecilia (Legal Title: St. Cecilia’s Church Corporation) and St. Leo the Great (Legal Title: Church of St. Leo the Great in Pawtucket) 

        Pastor: Rev. Stephen M. Battey
        Parish Office Mailing Address: 755 Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI 02861
        Church: St. Cecilia Church, 750 Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI 02861
        Holy Day Masses: As announced
        Special Devotions: Rosary to Our Lady of Fatima and Novena to St. Jude: Tuesday 5:45pm - 6:30pm Divine Mercy: Friday at 3:00pm.
        Faith Formation: Director: Mrs. Debra Zagorski, 755 Central Avenue, Pawtucket RI 02861. Tel:  722-1101, Email:
        Elementary School (Grades: PreK-8): St. Cecilia School, 755 Central Ave., Pawtucket 02861, Tel.: 401- 723-9463, Fax: 401-722-1444, website:; Principal: Mrs. Kelly Caton, email:

        *As of January 12, 2019 All Services are held at St. Cecilia Church building*
        Church (of St. Cecilia):  750 Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI  02861
        Rectory:  755 Central Avenue, Pawtucket, RI, within St. Cecilia School, by appointment ONLY. There is a mailbox at the front door of the school if you would like to drop something off. 
        Mailing address: St. John Paul II Parish, 755 Central Avenue,  Pawtucket, RI  02861

        NOTE: St. Leo the Great Church building closed permanently January 6, 2019, the Epiphany of our Lord. All sacramental records are at the St. John Paul II parish office, 755 Central Ave., Pawtucket

        Unification of the following parishes July 2011:  St. Cecilia (Legal Title:  St. Cecilia’s Church Corporation) and St. Leo the Great (Legal Title:  Church of St. Leo the Great in Pawtucket)..  
      • St. John the Baptist
        St. John the Baptist
        69 Quincy Ave., Pawtucket, RI, 02860-2830
        P: 401-722-9054 | F: 401-724-3514
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English 11:30 AM Spanish Español
        • Mon: 8:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Wed: 8:00 AM English English
        • Fri: 7:00 PM Spanish Español 7:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sat: 8:00 AM Bilingual Bilingual in the Chapel
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:20 PM or by appointment 5:30 PM to 5:50 AM
        • Mon: 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM Chapel
        (Legal Title: The Church of St. John the Baptist of Pawtucket, RI) -(French) Established 1884

        Pastor: Rev. Brian M. Sistare
        Pastor Emeritus : Rev. Gerald G. Harbour
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Vicente Caban
        Hispanic Pastoral Assistant: Mrs. Darlyn Gomes-Hidalgo
        Secretary: Mrs. Margarita Rivera-Zuleta
        Holy Day Mass: 8:00am & 7:00pm
        Religious Education: Director of Faith Formation: Sr. Lilián Carapia, Missionary Servant of the Word
        Legion of Mary Meeting: Mon., 6:00 p.m., in rectory
      • St. John the Evangelist (Slatersville)
        North Smithfield (Slatersville)
        St. John the Evangelist (Slatersville)
        63 Church St., North Smithfield (Slatersville), RI, 02876-0266
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English During fall and winter 5:00 PM English English During spring and summer
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • MW F 9:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 7:00 PM English English
        • Sat: 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM In fall/winter - - or by appointment. Please call rectory to verify times of Reconciliation. 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM In spring/summer - - or by appointment. Please call rectory to verify times of Reconciliation.
        • Sun: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM HELD FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH ONLY
        (Legal Title: St. John’s Church Society, Rhode Island)
        Established 1872, Church St.

        Pastor: Rev. Gerard J. Caron
        Rectory: 63 Church St., PO Box 266, Slatersville, RI 02876-0266 (Must use PO Box for all mailing)

        Holy Day Masses: If weekday: Vigil, 4 or 5 p.m.(depending on time of year); Holy Day, 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. If Holy 
        Day is also a holiday, follow weekend schedule (please call rectory to verify times of Holy Day Masses).
        *Please call the rectory to verify times of Holy Day Masses.
        *Please call the rectory to verify times of Sacrament of Reconciliation.
        Special Devotions: Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament First Sunday of the Month 2:30-3:30 p.m.
        Faith Formation: Director, Celeste Baillargeon,
      • St. John Vianney
        St. John Vianney
        3587 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI, 02864-1601
        P: 401-333-6060 | F: 401-334-4548
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 10:00 AM English English 5:00 PM English English (September through Memorial Day)
        • MTh 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:40 PM
        • Perpetual
        (Legal Title: St. John Baptist Mary Vianney Church Corporation)
        Established October 19, 1953, 3655 Diamond Hill Rd.  

        Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Pescatello
        Administration Office (Church & Rectory Mailing Address): 3587 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI 02864
        Holy Day Mass - To be announced
        Special Devotions: Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
        Faith Formation Office: 3587 Diamond Hill Rd., Cumberland, RI 02864, Tel: 333-2347 Coordinators: Regina Bamford, Grades K-5, Kim Passanante, Grades 6/7; Erin Blais, Confirmation Prep/Grades 8/9
      • St. Joseph
        Cumberland (Ashton)
        St. Joseph
        1303 Mendon Rd., Cumberland (Ashton), RI, 02864-0892
        P: 401-333-4013 | F: 401-4759372
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 12:00 PM English English 5:00 PM English English
        • 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church, Ashton, RI) Established 1872
        Pastor: Rev. Charles H. Galligan
        Religious Education: Director:
        Mrs. Kayne D'Amore, 401-333-4014
        Cemetery: St. Joseph Cemetery; Office: 401- 333-4013
      • St. Joseph
        St. Joseph
        1200 Mendon Rd., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-3999
        P: 401-766-0626 | F: 401-766-1632
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • MF 7:30 AM English English
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM or by appointment
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM or by appointment
        • Wed: 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church, Woonsocket) Established July 21, 1929

        Pastor: Rev. Mark Gadoury
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon John Regan
        Special Devotions: Daily Rosary at 8:00 AM (Monday to Friday) and Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesdays from 12 Noon til 6:00 PM
        Religious Education: Coordinator: Allison Mousseau,  1210 Mendon Rd., 401-766-8233
        Elementary School: Good Shepherd Catholic Regional School, 1210 Mendon Rd., 401- 767-5907, Fax 767-5905; E-mail:; Principal: Mr. Lawrence H. Poitras; Grades: 3-8; Web:

        *January 16, 2022: Decrees issued: effective February 7, 2022, All Saints Parish, 323 Rathbun St., Woonsocket, merged into St. Joseph Parish, 1200 Mendon Rd., Woonsocket. All Saints church building permanently closed. St. Joseph Parish assumed the territory and parishioners of All Saints Parish. All sacramental records for All Saints transferred, stored and maintained at the St. Joseph Parish office, Woonsocket.
         More -

      • St. Joseph
        St. Joseph
        5 Mann Ave., Newport, RI, 02840-2708
        P: 401-847-0065 | F: 401-849-2195
        • Sat: 5:15 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 6:30 PM Spanish Español
        • M Th 12:05 PM English English
        • Thu: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM during Adoration (or by appointment)
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church of Newport, RI)
        Established 1885 - Broadway at Mann Ave.         

        Administrator: Rev. Hiep V. Nguyen
        Part time Associate/Chaplian to Hispanic Community: Rev. Mauricio Antonio Romero Viquez, OFM Cap
        Holy Day Mass: 12:05 p.m.
        Holiday: 9 a.m. 
        Special Devotions: English Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 11 a.m. to 12 noon just before 12:05 p.m. Thursday Mass; Spanish Course of Faith Mondays 7 p.m.; Various Spanish Devotions Tuesdays 7 p.m.                                  
        Faith Formation Director: Lynn Banigan, Tel: 847-9248, Email:
      • St. Joseph
        West Warwick
        St. Joseph
        854 Providence St., West Warwick, RI, 02893-1191
        P: 401-821-4072 | F: 401-821-2408
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend 5:00 PM English English from the week *after* Labor Day Weekend through the weekend *before* Memorial Day Weekend
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM From Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend - or by appointment 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM From the week *after* Labor Day Weekend through the weekend *before* Memorial Day Weekend - or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church, Natick Rhode Island)
        Established 1873, 854 Providence St.

        Pastor: Very 
        Rev. Gregory P. Stowe
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Cyrille W. J. Cote
        Holy Day Masses: pleae consult bulletin; School Mass, 9:30 a.m. 
        School: St. Joseph School, 850 Wakefield St., 401- 821-3450, Fax 821-3516; Principal: 
        Mrs. Julie Capirchio, email:; Grades: PreK-8, Enrollment: 237,  Web:
      • St. Joseph
        Hopkinton (Hope Valley)
        St. Joseph
        1105 Main St., Hopkinton (Hope Valley), RI, 02832-0388
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 8:00 AM English English or by appointment
        • Tue: 8:00 AM English English First Thursday
        • Wed: 7:00 PM English English Third Tues
        • Thu: 8:00 AM English English First Friday Holy Hour
        • Fri: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church, Hope Valley)
        Established 1939

        Pastor: Rev. Francesco Francese
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Ronald P. Preuhs
        Holy Day Masses: Holy Day, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
        Reconciliation: Upon request or by appointment
        Special Devotions: Adoration: First Monday, 8:30-10:30 a.m.; Healing Mass: First Friday, 6 p.m.
        Faith Formation: Director: Jessica Gerjes, 401-539-8311, option #3,
      • St. Joseph
        Central Falls
        St. Joseph
        391 High St., Central Falls, RI, 02863-3109
        P: 401-723-5427 | F: 401-726-5971
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 11:00 AM Polish Polski
        • 8:00 AM English English 7:00 PM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church of Central Falls, RI) (Polish) Established 1906
        Pastor: Very Rev. Dariusz G. Jonczyk Rectory
        Special Devotions: Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wed., 7 p.m. (Polish); Lent: Bitter Lamentations: Sun., 3 p.m. (Polish) and Wed., 7 p.m. (Polish); Way of the Cross: Thurs., 6:30 p.m. (Polish) and Fri., 6:30 p.m. (English); May Devotions: Sun., 3 p.m. (Polish) and weekdays, 6:15 p.m. (Polish); Sacred Heart Devotions in June: Sun., 3 p.m. (Polish) and Fri., 6 p.m. (Polish); Rosary Devotions in October: Sun., 3 p.m. (Polish) and weekdays at 6:15 p.m. (Polish)

      • St. Joseph
        Pascoag (Burrillville)
        St. Joseph
        183 Sayles Ave., Box 188, Pascoag (Burrillville), RI, 02859-0188
        P: 401-568-2411 | F: 401-568-2586
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English At St. Eugene Church, 1247 Putnam Pike, Chepachet (Glocester); *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        • Tu W 8:00 AM English English *For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church of Pascoag)
        Established January 31, 1884, Sayles Avenue; Incorporated February 2, 1884

        Administrator: Rev. Stephen J. Dandeneau
        **For our seasonal Mass schedules, please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        Holy Day Masses: Please consult bulletin.
        Special Devotion: First Friday: 8:00 a.m. (January, March, May, July, September, & November); Stations of the Cross: Friday during Lent, 7 p.m. (please check bulletin for church location).
        Faith Formation Director: Rev. Stephen J. Dandeneau  
      • St. Joseph
        St. Joseph
        92 Hope St., Providence, RI, 02906-2030
        P: 401-421-9137 | F: 401-621-5349
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 8:00 AM English English Chapel
        • Tue: 8:00 AM English English Chapel
        • Thu: 8:00 AM English English Chapel
        • Fri: 8:00 AM English English Chapel
        • Sat: 3:00 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church, Providence, RI) Established 1851

        Administrator pro tem: Rev. Edward A. Sousa, Jr.
        Special Devotions:  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction: First Friday of the month following the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 10:30a.m.: Rosary: Tuesday and Thursday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Chapel.
        Holy Days of Obligation: See parish bulletin for details
        Religious Education: Virginia DiMasi, Director

      • St. Joseph
        St. Joseph
        Danielson Pike, Scituate, RI, 02857-0236
        P: 401-647-2255 | F: 401-647-2968
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 8:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church Corporation, North Scituate) Established 1940
        Pastor: Very Rev. Paul R. Grenon,
        In Residence: Rev. Eugene R. Lessard
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Paul A. Ullucci
        Holy Day Masses: 5PM Vigil Mass on the day before,  8:30 AM and 7PM on the Holy Day itself.
        Religious Education: Director: Lisa Woodhead, 401- 647-2650
      • St. Joseph - see Holy Family Parish
        St. Joseph - see Holy Family Parish
        195 Walcott St., Pawtucket, RI
        (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church)
        - Established 1873, 195 Walcott St.
        In 2009, St. Joseph’s Church unified to form Holy Family Parish.
        See listing for Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket
      • St. Joseph (see Holy Family, Pawtucket)
        St. Joseph (see Holy Family, Pawtucket)
        195 Walcott Street, Pawtucket, RI, 02860
        P: 401.724.9190 | F: 401.724.9314
        See listing for Holy Family Parish, Pawtucket, Rhode Island

        Established July 1, 2009 - Unification of Our Lady of Consolation (Legal Title: Church of Our Lady of Consolation, RI); Sacred Heart of Jesus (Legal Title: The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Pawtucket, RI); and St. Joseph (Legal Title: St. Joseph’s Church)

        Locations of Services:
        Holy Family Parish, 195 Walcott St.
        Our Lady of Consolation Church, 211 Sabin St.
        St. Joseph Church, 195 Walcott St. 

      • St. Jude
        St. Jude
        301 Front St., Lincoln, RI, 02865-2421
        P: 401-725-8140 | F: 401-726-4946
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 8:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 8:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        Legal Title: St. Jude’s Church, Lincoln) Established 1946, 301 Front St.
        Pastor: Rev. Brendan Murphy, OP
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Bernard C. Lavin 
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon L. J. (Bud) Remillard, Jr.
        Pastoral Associate: Sr. Mary Higgins, RSM
        Pastoral Center: 301 Front St., Lincoln, RI 02865-2421, 401- 725-8140
        Special Devotions: Cenacle of Prayer: Mon., 1 p.m.; Rosary before daily Mass
        Religious Education: Director: St. Mary Higgins, RSM, Grades 1-5; Coordinator: Diane Nelson, Grades 6, 7 & 8; Confirmation I& II Coordinator: Johnny Montalvo, 401- 725-8120
      • St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community
        St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community
        84 Exeter Rd., Exeter, RI, 02822-0000
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community)
        Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Mission founded in 1981
        Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community established May 1, 2008

        Administrator: Rev. Msgr. Gerard O. Sabourin
        Secretary: Sr. Antoinette Jacques, RJM
        Faith Formation: Terena Welesco, Tel: 401-294-3691
      • St. Kevin
        St. Kevin
        333 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, 02889-4325
        P: 401-737-2638 | F: 401-732-2832
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM English English
        • 7:45 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Kevin’s Church Corporation, Warwick) Established Sept. 11, 1956
         Pastor: Rev. Robert L. Marciano
         Deacon Assistant: Deacon John Fulton
         Elementary School: St. Kevin School, 39 Cathedral Rd., 401- 737-7172, Fax 738-1288;; Principal: Mr. Roger R. Parent; Grades: PreK-8; Enrollment: 220; Web: Religious Education: Michael Curran, Director; 401- 739-6309;

        *As of November 17, 2021:
         St. Benedict parish, Warwick, merges into neighboring St. Kevin parish. St. Benedict church building closed permanently November 17, 2021. Details here -

      • St. Lawrence (CLOSED)
        North Providence
        St. Lawrence (CLOSED)
        624 Woonasquatucket Ave., North Providence, RI, 02911
        P: 401.231.3542 | F: 401-349-2890
        In October 2010, St. Lawrence Church was merged with Mary, Mother of Mankind Church, North Providence, 401.231.3542. 

        St. Lawrence building sold.

        See listing for Mary, Mother of Mankind Church.
      • St. Leo the Great (CLOSED)
        St. Leo the Great (CLOSED)
        Pawtucket, RI, 02861
        P: 401-722-1220 | F: 401-726-3392

        St. Leo the Great Church building closed permanently January 6, 2019, the Epiphany of our Lord. The entire church campus has been sold.

        All sacramental records are at the St. John Paul II parish office, 755 Central Ave., Pawtucket, RI 02861, 401.722.1220.  
      • St. Lucy
        St. Lucy
        909 West Main Rd., Middletown, RI, 02842-6390
        P: 401-847-6153 | F: 401-846-1545
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 5:00 PM English English After Labor Day-May 7:00 PM English English June-Labor Day
        • Mon: 9:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 9:00 AM English English
        • Fri: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
        • Fri: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM First Friday Holy Hours
        (Legal Title: St. Lucy’s Church Corporation, Middletown) Established May 23, 1951
        Pastor: Rev. John C. Codega

        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. John W. O’Brien (07.01.21)
        Deacon Assistant: (Retired) Deacon John E. Croy
        Pastoral Ministry: Sr. Sheila Murphy
        Holy Day Masses:  as announced
        Special Devotions: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Fridays 5-8pm; Stations of the Cross on Fridays of Lent
        Religious Education:
        Parish-wide Faith Formation (Rel. Ed.), Reconciliation & Eucharist Coordinator:
        Colette M. Savaria
        Confirmation Coordinator: Marie L. Lachapelle
        Adult Faith Formation, RCIA, Baptism Coordinator:  Jane Parrillo
        Small Christian Communities:  Sr. Sheila Murphy, SSJ
      • St. Luke
        St. Luke
        108 Washington Rd., Barrington, RI, 02806-1133
        P: 401-246-1212 | F: 401-246-1301
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:00 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 7:00 AM English English NOTE: on a *Federal Holiday* the weekday Mass is at 9:00 a.m., with the exception of July 4th when it remains at 7:00 a.m.; also, no Saturday morning Mass.
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM Or call the rectory for an appointment
        (Legal Title: Saint Luke’s Church Corporation, Barrington)
        Established November 20, 1942, 108 Washington Rd.

        Pastor: Rev. Timothy D. Reilly
        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Peter H. Lee (eff. January 1, 2025)
        Federal Holidays: Weekday Mass, 9 a.m. with the exception of July 4th when it remains at 7 a.m.
        Holy Day Masses: 7 a.m. and 12 p.m.
        Special Devotions: Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays, 7:30 a.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosary (follows 7 a.m. Mass); 4 p.m. Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Memorae, Litany of Loreto, Evening Prayer; 5:45 p.m. Benediction, Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament; No Eucharistic Adoration on Federal Holidays
        Faith Formation: 110 Washington Rd., Barrington, RI 02806, Tel: 246-1363; Mrs. Diane L. Comerford, Director, Grades 1-10, Email:
        Youth Ministry: Ms. Kat Brissette, Coordinator; Email:
        Elementary School: St. Luke STEAM School, 10 Waldron Ave., Barrington, RI 02806-1412; Tel: 246-0990, Fax: 246-2120; Principal: Mrs. Nicole Varone, Email: Web:; Grades: PreK-8
      • St. Madeleine Sophie
        St. Madeleine Sophie
        35 Lake Rd., Tiverton, RI, 02878-3405
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
        (Legal Title: Saint Madeleine’s Church Corporation of Tiverton) Established 1948

        NOTE: Effective July 1, 2023 please send all mail for St. Madeleine Sophie Church to:
        St. Catherine of Siena Parish Office
        74 Simmons Rd.
        Little Compton, RI 02837

        Pastor: Rev. Stephan A. Silipigni
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Gerald W. Hussey
        Holy Day Masses:  celebrated at St. Catherine's, Little Compton (more at

        2023-01-09: Saint Madeleine Sophie Parish merged into Saint Catherine of Siena Parish effective January 24, 2023. Parish and sacramental records maintained at the St. Catherine of Siena Parish Office, 74 Simmons Rd., Little Compton, RI 02837. More -
      • St. Margaret
        East Providence
        St. Margaret
        1098 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, RI, 02916-1845
        P: 401-438-3230 | F: 401-438-4221
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • 8:00 AM English English
        • Fri: 9:00 AM English English First Friday School Mass
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title. Saint Margaret’s Church Corporation, East Providence, RI) Established 1888
        Pastor: Rev. Jeremy J. Rodrigues
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Monsignor John J. Darcy, JCL (07.01.21)
        Deacon Assistants: Deacon John F. Needham & Deacon David Gillis
        Pastoral Associate: Mr. Charles Moreira
        Special Devotions: School Mass, 9 a.m. on First Fridays
        Special Information: Mass at Rumford Towers: Third Friday, 1:30 p.m.
        Religious Education: 42 Bishop Ave., Rumford, RI 02916
        Faith Formation 1-6: Mrs. Bethany Bessette, E-mail:
        Faith Formation 7-10: Mr. Charless Moreira, DRE 2, E-mail:
        Elementary School: St. Margaret School, 42 Bishop Ave., E. Providence, RI 02916; Tel: 401- 434-2338, Fax: 431-0266; Principal: Mrs. Lee Ann Nunes, E-mail: , Grades: PreK-8; Enrollment: 150; Web:
      • St. Maria Goretti (CLOSED)
        St. Maria Goretti (CLOSED)
        (Legal Title: St. Maria Goretti Church Corporation, Pawtucket) Established June 1, 1953

        *On November 20, 2016, the church building closed permanently. Sacramental records permanently housed/recorded at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church, 103 Pine St., Pawtucket, RI, 02860-3848, Tel: 401-722-5425.

        Building sold.
      • St. Mark
        St. Mark
        60 Narragansett Ave., Jamestown, RI, 02835-1174
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English (year round)
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
        • Tue: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM FIRST Tuesday
        (Legal Title: St. Mark Church of Jamestown) Established 1909

        Pastor: Rev. Thomas J. Ferland   
        Pastors Emeriti:  Rev. W. Douglas Grant, Rev. Stephen P. Amaral, and Rev. William J. O'Neill
        Holy Day Masses:  6:30pm (Vigil) and 8:00am on Holy Day
        Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - 1st Tuesday of the Month  6 to 8 p.m.
        Rosary: AM daily (after 8 AM Daily Mass)
        Religious Education: Mrs. Christina Smith
        Music Ministry:  Ms. Andrea Theroux
      • St. Mark
        St. Mark
        9 Garden Ct., Cranston, RI, 02920-5701
        P: 401-942-1616 | F: 401-942-1747
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • MW 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM
        Legal Title: St. Mark’s Church Corporation of Cranston, RI) Established Oct. 10, 1950, 9 Garden Ct., Cranston, RI

        Pastor: Rev. Anthony W. Verdelotti
        Rectory/Mailing Address: 9 Garden Ct., Cranston, RI 02920-5787
        Parish Office: 31 Poplar Dr., Cranston, RI 02920-5711
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Rosary: Mon.-Wed., 7:30 a.m.
        Religious Education Coordinator: Claudia A. Jackvony, Tel: 942-1616 ext. 101, Email:
        Parish Outreach Coordinator: Sr. Angelina Giramma, M.P.F., Tel: 942-1616 ext. 102, Email:
        Special Information: St. Vincent de Paul St. Mark Conference, Tel: 942-1616 ext. 320
      • St. Martha
        East Providence
        St. Martha
        2595 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, RI, 02914-3224
        P: 401-434-4060 | F: 401-434-4849
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English 5:00 PM English English (Sept.-May)
        • Mon: 9:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 9:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 9:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment
        • Tue: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Third Tues
        • Thu: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM First Thursday
        (Legal Title. St. Martha’s Church Corporation, East Providence, RI) Established September 13, 1956,
         Pastor: Rev. Scott J. Carpentier
         Pastor Emeritus: Rev. David E. Green 
         Deacon: Dominic P. DiOrio
         Special Devotions: Rosary weekdays before 9 a.m. Mass.
         Religious Education: Coordinator: 
        Mr. David O'Connell , 401- 434-4060 ext. 6
      • St. Mary
        Charlestown (Carolina)
        St. Mary
        437 Carolina Back Rd., Charlestown (Carolina), RI, 02812-0475
        P: 401-364-7214 | F: 401-213-6327
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English Held at St. Mary’s Church - year round 5:30 PM English English Held at St. James Chapel - year round
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English Summer Schedule: held Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend at St. James Chapel 8:30 AM English English Winter Schedule: held Labor Day Weekend to Memorial Day Weekend at St. James Chapel 9:15 AM English English Summer Schedule: held Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend at St. James Chapel 10:00 AM English English Winter Schedule: held Labor Day Weekend to Memorial Day Weekend at St. Mary Church 10:30 AM English English Summer Schedule: held Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend at St. James Chapel
        • 8:30 AM English English Weekday Masses held at St. James Chapel
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM Held at St. Mary Church 4:45 PM to 5:15 PM Held in St. James Chapel
        • Mon: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM at St. James Chapel
        (Legal Title: St. Mary’s Church Corporation, Carolina, RI) Established September 29, 1946 - 437 Carolina Back Rd
        St. James Chapel, 2079 Matunuck Schoolhouse Rd., Charlestown, RI 02813
        Rectory: 437 Carolina Back Rd., PO Box 475, Carolina, RI 02812-0475
        Pastor: Rev. Paul Desmarais
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Costa Adamopoulos

        Holy Day Masses: 7:00 p.m. (St. Mary Church); 8:30 a.m. (St. James Chapel)
        Special Devotions: Adoration 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Mon. – Wed.; Holy Hour: Every Wed. 7 – 8 p.m., St. James Chapel
        Religious Education: Director: Sally Lambert, 401- 364-7214
      • St. Mary
        St. Mary
        330 Wood St., Bristol, RI, 02809-3208
        P: 401-253-3300 | F: 401-253-4057
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:30 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English Morning Prayer, Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m., followed by Mass, 8 a.m.
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM Confessions are heard at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 141 State St., at 4-4:45 p.m. on Saturdays and by appointment
        • Wed: 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
        (Legal Title: Saint Mary’s Church, Bristol Rhode Island)
        Established 1869, 330 Wood St.

        Pastor: Rev. Henry P. Zinno, Jr.
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Barry J. Gamache |
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Paul J. Bisbano |
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        ​​​​​​Faith Formation: Grade Level Coordinators: Barbara LePage, Grades 1-3; Carol St. Vincent, Grades 4-6; Sue Ann Gale, Grades 7-8; Deacon Paul Bisbano, Grades 9-10; Tel: 253-3300 x117
        Summer Chapel: Our Lady of Prudence Chapel, Prudence Island
        Cemetery: Parish Cemetery of St. Mary Church
      • St. Mary
        St. Mary
        12 William St., Newport, RI, 02840-3307
        P: 401-847-0475 | F: 401-845-9497
        • Sat: 5:15 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • M Tu 7:30 AM English English at St. Augustin, corner of Carroll and Harrison Avenues, Newport
        • W Th 7:30 AM English English at St. Mary, Spring St., Newport
        • Thu: 8:00 AM Thursday immediately following the 7:30 a.m. Mass
        (Legal Title: St. Mary’s, Newport, RI)
        Established 1828, Spring St.

        Pastor: Rev. Mark A. Sauriol
        Parish Office: 12 William Street, Newport, RI  02840
        Mailing Address: PO Box 547, Newport, RI 02840
        Holy Day Masses:
        Faith Formation: Director:  Michele Pickering , 401-846-4926
      • St. Mary
        St. Mary
        538 Broadway, Providence, RI, 02909-1895
        P: 401-274-3434 | F: 401-453-0034
        • Sun: 7:00 AM English English 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM Latin Latine
        • MTh 7:00 AM Latin Latine
        • M W F 6:30 PM Latin Latine
        • Fri: 11:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 9:00 AM Latin Latine
        • Thu: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Also: 30 minutes prior to every Mass or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Mary’s Church, Providence, RI) Established 1853
        Traditional Latin Mass Parish (1962 Roman Missal) in the Diocese of Providence served by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, as of August 21. 2018. 

        Pastor: Rev. Jonathan Romanoski, FSSP
        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Frank Furman, FSSP
        Confessions: Starting half an hour before each Mass
        Special Devotions:
        -First Friday Holy Hour following the Friday evening Mass.
        -First Saturday meditation following the Saturday Mass
        -Rosary before the Saturday Mass
        -Rosary before the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
        Holy Day Masses: As announced
        Religious Education/Faith Formation: Sr. Mariana Ramirez, 401- 274-3434
        Korean Catholic Community of RI:
      • St. Mary
        St. Mary
        1525 Cranston St., Cranston, RI, 02920-6740
        P: 401-942-1492 | F: 401-946-2531
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM (upper Church)
        (Legal Title: St. Mary’s Church, Cranston, RI) (Italian) Established 1925

        Pastor: Rev. Michael A. Sisco
        Religious Education: Coordinator: Nancy Nasser, 944-1323, Fax 946-2531
        Deacon Assistant: Steven R. Valliere
        School: St. Mary School, 85 Chester Ave., Cranston, 944-4107, Fax 944-2395; Principal: Ms. Lisa M. Lepore; E-mail:; Grades: PreK-8; Enrollment: 240; Web:; St. Mary’s Nursery, Vallone Rd., Cranston (St. Mary’s Parish Center), 943-4161; Enrollment: 40
        Special Information: St. Vincent de Paul Emergency Food Center, 946-5291
      • St. Mary (mission church of SS. John & James Parish, West Warwick)
        West Warwick
        St. Mary (mission church of SS. John & James Parish, West Warwick)
        68 Church St., West Warwick, RI, 02893-3105
        P: 401-821-7661 | F: 401-826-7274
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • MSa 8:00 AM Latin Latine Extra-Ordinary Form
        • Mon: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
        • Mon: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
        (Legal Title: St. Mary’s Church, Crompton, RI) - Established 1844
        68 Church St., West Warwick, RI.
        Sacramental records from St. Mary are maintained at SS John and James Parish Office, 20 Washington St., West Warwick, RI 02893.

        As of July 1, 2019, St. Mary, West Warwick is a mission church of SS. John and James Parish, West Warwick.

        Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Fleming
        Pastors Emeritus:  Rev. Douglas J. Spina, Ph.D. and Rev. Thomas D. O'Neill
        Church Office: 20 Washington Street West Warwick, RI 02893. 
        Cemetery: St. Mary Cemetery in Crompton. Cemetery Clerk: Joanne Carlton Tel: 821-1006, 934-1355
      • St. Mary of the Bay
        St. Mary of the Bay
        645 Main St., Warren, RI, 02885-4318
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English 6:00 PM English English
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Church of Saint Mary of the Bay)
        Established Aug. 15, 1851, 645 Main St.

        Pastor: Rev. Joseph R. Upton, 401- 245-7000 ext. 11,
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon John P. Pryor,
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the bulletin 
        Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: @warrencatholic
        Faith Formation Coordinator: Carolyn Mello Pryor, Tel: 245-7000 ext. 21, Email:
        Director of Children’s Ministries: Milly Grieve, Tel: 245-7000 ext 21, Email:
        St. Mary of the Bay and Saint Jean Baptiste Cemeteries Office: Tel: 245-7000 ext. 15
        Food Pantry: Coordinator: Wendy Baker, Tel: 245-7000 ext. 19, Email:, Food Pantry Hours of Operation: Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m. and Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m.
        St. Gabriel’s Call: Support for mothers and free baby items, Contact: Barbara Fisher, Tel: 245-7000

        06-19-23: St. Alexander Parish to merge into St. Mary of the Bay Parish, both in Warren, effective July 7, 2023. St. Mary of the Bay Parish will receive the membership of St. Alexander Parish. All sacramental records containing the records of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Marriage, and deaths of St. Alexander Parish will be transferred to the parish office of St. Mary of the Bay Parish, 645 Main St., Warren, RI, where they will be faithfully maintained in accord with Canon 535. More -

        NOTE: Sacramental records for St. Casimir Church and St. Jean Baptiste Church Mission are kept at St. Mary of the Bay Church. St. Casimir Church was closed in 2005; St. Jean Baptiste Mission was closed 2018.

      • St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
        St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
        103 Pine St., Pawtucket, RI, 02860-3848
        P: 401-722-5425 | F: 401-729-0341
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 7:30 AM English English
        • Tue: 7:30 AM English English
        • Wed: 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: The Church of the Immaculate Conception of Pawtucket, RI)
        Established 1829

        Administrator: Pastor: Rev. Brendan Rowley
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon C. Patrick Sheehy
        Religious Education: Director: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Roach Tel: 884-1622.
        Note: St. Maria Goretti Church Corporation, Pawtucket, permanently closed 11-20-2016. The sacramental records of St. Maria Goretti parish are permanently housed/recorded at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church, Pawtucket.
      • St. Mary, Star of the Sea
        St. Mary, Star of the Sea
        864 Point Judith Rd., Narragansett, RI, 02882-5524
        P: 401-783-4449 | F: 401-783-0986
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English Summer 8:00 AM English English Winter 9:15 AM English English Summer 10:30 AM English English Winter 10:30 AM English English Summer
        • MF 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM *First Saturday* only or anytime by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church Corporation, Point Judith) Established 1960
        Pastor: Rev. Robert H. Forcier
        Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Francis P. Kayatta
        Mass Schedules: Change with the four seasons, please consult the bulletin or website
        Holy Day Masses: Please consult the bulletin or website
        Faith Formation Director: Cheryl Butler, Tel: 789-7308, Email:
      • St. Matthew
        St. Matthew
        15 Frances Ave., Cranston, RI, 02910-2209
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:30 AM English English
        • MTh 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Matthew’s Church Corporation)
        Established 1909, corner of Elmwood and Park Avenues

        Pastor: Rev. Ronald J. Bengford
        Rectory Hours: Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 3 p.m.
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin

        Special Devotions: Marian Devotions: October and May, as announced in the parish bulletin; Stations of the Cross and Benediction: Wednesdays during Lent, 6:30 p.m.
        Faith Formation: Merged with St. Paul Parish Faith Formation, One St. Paul Place, Cranston, 461-5734,
      • St. Matthew (now Holy Spirit Church)
        Central Falls
        St. Matthew (now Holy Spirit Church)
        1030 Dexter Street, Central Falls, RI, 02863
        P: 401.726.2600 | F: 401.722.0224
        St. Matthew closed 2007, it is now Holy Spirit Church.
        See listing for Holy Spirit Parish, Central Falls.
      • St. Michael
        St. Michael
        80 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, RI, 02917-3399
        P: 401-231-5119 | F: 401-231-0523
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • Mon: 7:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 7:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Michael’s Church, Georgiaville, RI)
        Established 1875, 80 Farnum Pike

        Pastor: Rev. Richard A. Valentine

        Pastoral Assistant:  Mr. William Bowden
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Rosary for Peace, Mon., 6:30 p.m.
        Faith Formation Director: Wendy Carrier, Tel: 401-231-1340

      • St. Michael (Ukrainian-Diocese of Stamford)
        St. Michael (Ukrainian-Diocese of Stamford)
        394 Blackstone St., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-1917
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 11:00 AM Other Ukrainian
        (St. Michael’s Ukrainian-Catholic Church, Diocese of Stamford) Established 1908
        Pastor: Rev. Mykhaylo Dosyak
        Religious Education: Saturday, 1 hour before Evening Liturgy
        Weekday Liturgies: By request
        Sacrament of Reconciliation: Before or after weekdn Divine Liturgies, Holy Days and by request

      • St. Michael the Archangel
        St. Michael the Archangel
        239 Oxford St., Providence, RI, 02905-2096
        P: 401-781-7210 | F: 401-461-6164
        • Sat: 5:00 PM Bilingual Bilingual
        • Sun: 9:15 AM English English Lower Church 10:45 AM Spanish Español Upper Church 4:00 PM French Français French-Creole, Lower Church
        • M F 7:00 AM Spanish Español lower church
        • Tue: 6:30 PM Spanish Español lower church
        • TuTh 7:00 AM Bilingual Bilingual lower church
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English lower church
        • Tue: 5:30 PM to 6:20 PM
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:50 PM
        • SuSa 6:00 AM to 9:30 PM In the Rectory Adoration Chapel - please call 401-781-7210 to be a regular adorer
        (Legal Title: St. Michael’s, Providence, RI) Established June 21, 1857
        Pastor: Rev. Jaime A. Garcia 
        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Jairon Olmos
        Deacon Assistant:  Deacon Juan Andres Perez
        Religious Education:  Maria R. Batista
        Secretary:  Maribel Camilo
        Rectory:  239 Oxford Street, Providence, RI 02905-2096
      • St. Patrick
        Burrillville (Harrisville)
        St. Patrick
        45 Harrisville Main St., Burrillville (Harrisville), RI, 02830-1403
        P: 401-568-5600 | F: 401-568-7132
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:30 AM English English 10:00 AM English English after Labor Day to June
        • Tue: 8:00 AM English English
        • Thu: 8:00 AM English English
        • Fri: 8:00 AM English English First Friday (Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct. and Dec.)
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Patrick’s Church, Burrillville, RI) Established 1854

        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Cyriac Kalampatt, CMI
        Administrator: Rev. Jose Parathanal, CMI
        Holy Day Masses: please consult bulletin.
        Summer Mass schedule: please consult the bulletin, website or call the rectory for times and locations.
        Special Devotions: First Fri. Mass: 8:00 a.m. February, April, June, August, October, December Novena: Tues., 7:15 p.m.; Stations of Cross: Friday during lent, 7 p.m. (Check bulletin for church location)
        Religious Education: TBD; Dennis Auger, MA, Director; Kerri-Ann Caduto, Coordinator Grades 1-10, Tel: 568.5600

      • St. Patrick
        St. Patrick
        244 Smith St., Providence, RI, 02908-4922
        P: 401-421-7070 | F: 401-751-7085
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English 6:00 PM Spanish Español
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:15 AM English English 12:15 PM Spanish Español 5:30 PM Spanish Español
        • M Tu Th 5:30 PM English English
        • Wed: 6:30 PM Spanish Español
        • Fri: 6:30 PM Spanish Español
        • 1st Fri: 6:30 PM Spanish Español Healing Mass - First Friday of each month in the Church
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 6:20 PM
        • Sat: 2:30 PM to 3:45 PM
        • Sun: 12:00 AM to 11:00 PM in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel - from Thursday 5 a.m. to Sunday 11 p.m.
        • Mon: 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
        • Tue: 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
        • Wed: 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
        • Thu: 5:00 AM to 12:00 AM in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel - from Thursday 5 a.m. to Sunday 11 p.m.
        • Fri: 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel - from Thursday 5 a.m. to Sunday 11 p.m.
        • Sat: 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel - from Thursday 5 a.m. to Sunday 11 p.m.
        (Legal Title: St. Patrick’s Church, Providence, RI) Established 1841
        Rev. Joseph Brice
        Pastoral Associate: Deacon Eduardo Birbuet
         Deacon Assistants: Deacon Charles Andrade; Deacon Robert MacLure

        *All Masses and Services are in the School Building: 244 Smith Street, Providence, RI  02908-4933*
        Holy Day Masses: Please consult schedule/bulletin;
        Special Devotions:
         -Spanish Healing Mass: 1st Friday of each month at 6:30pm in the Church
        Holy Hour for Vocations:  1st Wednesdays 5:30 p.m.,monthly in the Church
        -Spanish Charismatic Prayer Meeting: every Friday following the 6:30pm Mass
        English Charismatic Prayer Meeting every Thursday, 7:30 p.m in the GYM
        -Spanish Ultreya: Every Wednesday, 7:30pm
        -Courage/ Encourage Apostolate -
         Religious Education: Mrs. Maria Batista, 781-8403
         Parish Outreach Ministries: Mary House Meal Kitchen & Food Pantry:  244 Smith Street, Providence; Coordinator Tel: 401-274-6286; Email:; Web:; 
         Food Pantry: Wednesday, 5-7p.m. and Thursday 9:00a.m.-11:55p.m.; The Food Pantry is closed the first full week of every month.
         Monday Night Meal Kitchen: 4:00-5:15p.m. in the gym; 
         High School: St. Patrick Academy, 244 Smith St. Providence, RI  02908, Tel: 401- 421-9300, Fax 490-4511; Grades: 9-12; Web:

      • St. Patrick (merged into St. Aidan, Cumberland)
        Cumberland (Valley Falls)
        St. Patrick (merged into St. Aidan, Cumberland)
        301 Broad St., Cumberland (Valley Falls), RI, 02864-7802
        P: 401-333-5897 | F: 401-333-5078
        (Legal Title: St. Patrick’s Church corporation, Valley Falls, RI) - Established July 28, 1861, 309 Broad St., Cumberland, RI 02864. St. Patrick Church building closed.

        Merged into St. Aidan-St. Patrick July 1, 2018
        *See St. Aidan & St. Patrick Parish, Cumberland*

        St. Patrick Parish Office and Sacramental Records - located at St. Aidan Parish Center, 1460 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland, RI 02864, 401.333.5897

        St Patrick Cemetery Office 725-0344

        Mailing address for St. Aidan & St. Patrick, Cumberland:
        St. Aidan-St. Patrick Parish
        PO Box 7058
        Cumberland, RI  02864

      • St. Paul
        St. Paul
        One St. Paul Place, Cranston, RI, 02905-3587
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • 12:05 PM English English
        • Sat: 3:45 PM to 4:30 PM
        • Mon: 12:35 PM to 6:30 PM Following 12:05pm Mass (except holidays and the months of July and Aug.)
        (Legal Title: St. Paul’s Church of Edgewood) Established July 20, 1907

        Pastor. Very Rev. Thomas J. Woodhouse
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Paul M. Shea
        Special Devotions: Perpetual Novena of the Miraculous Medal: Every Fri. after the 12:05 p.m. Mass
        Faith Formation: 401- 941-5576,
        Elementary School: St. Paul School, 1789 Broad St., Cranston, 401- 941-2030, Fax 941-0644; Principal: Mr. John F. Corry; E-mail:; Grades: Pre-K – 8; Enrollment: 210; Web:
      • St. Paul the Apostle
        St. Paul the Apostle
        116A Danielson Pike, Foster, RI, 02825-1468
        P: 401 647-3664 | F: 401-647-3664
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • M W F 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
        • Fri: 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM First Friday Holy Hour
        (Legal Title. St. Paul’s Church Corporation, Foster, RI)
        Established October 4, 1972

        Pastor: Rev. M.J. Bernard Doré
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Fernando M. L. Botelho
        Office: Mrs. Lori Copp
        Holy Day Masses: 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

        Lenten Weekday Masses -  Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.
        Special Devotions: Rosary Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:35 a.m.; Holy Hour First Friday of every month 9:30-10:30 a.m.; Lenten Weekday Masses: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m.
        Religious Education: Director: Deacon Fernando M.L.Botelho, 647-3664, Email:

      • St. Peter
        St. Peter
        350 Fair St., Warwick, RI, 02888-3799
        P: 401-467-4895 | F: 401-785-9282
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English (except July and Aug.)
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or anytime by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Peter’s Church, Warwick, RI) Established 1933
        Pastor: Rev. Roger C. Gagne
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Robert M. Morisseau
        Special Devotions:
        -Rosary and Benediction: May and Oct., Monday at 6:30 p.m.
        -Lent: Mass, Holy Hour,
        and Confessions: Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm
        -Stations of the Cross: Friday , 6:00 PM followed by confessions
        Holy Day Masses: 7 a.m. and 6:15 p.m., (10 a.m. when school is in session)
        Religious Education: Elementary Coordinator & Autism Program: Margaret Andreozzi; Junior High/Confirmation Coordinator: Elaine Morisseau, 401- 461-5691, Fax 785-9282
        Elementary School: St. Peter School, 120 Mayfair Rd., 401- 781-9242, Fax 467-5673; E-mail:; Principal: Mrs. Christine Desmarais; Grades: PreK-8; Web:

      • St. Philip
        St. Philip
        622 Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI, 02828-1434
        P: 401-949-1500 | F: 401-949-3504
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 9:30 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • MSa 8:00 AM English English
        • 1st Fri: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
        • Sat: 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
        • Perpetual: in Our Lady's Chapel
        (Legal Title: St. Philip’s Church, Greenville, RI)
        Established Aug. 12, 1852, 622 Putnam Pike

        Pastor: Rev. Michael J. Najim
        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Patrick Ryan
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Joseph J. Day
        Holy Day Masses: as announced
        Special Devotions: Rosary before daily Mass; October and May Devotions Mondays 6:30 p.m.; Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in Our Lady’s Chapel; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wednesdays following daily Mass
        Religious Education Director: Veronica Plante, Email:, Tel: 949-0330, Fax: 949-5630. 
        Youth & Family Minister: Victoria Allienello, Email:, Office: 618 Putnam Pike. Elementary School: St. Philip School, 618 Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI 02828, Tel: 949-1130, Fax: 949-1141, Principal: Mr. Keith Kline, Email:, Vice-Principal: Mrs. Mary-Regina Bennett, Web:, Grades: PreK-8.

      • St. Pius V
        St. Pius V
        240 Eaton St., Providence, RI, 02908-2893
        P: 401-751-4871 | F: 401-273-1089
        • Sat: 4:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • MF 12:00 PM English English (Rosary before 12pm Mass)
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
        • M W F 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
        • Tu Th 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM or by appointment
        • Thu: 12:30 PM to 8:00 PM (October to May) 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (Summer - June to September)
        (Legal Title: St. Pius Church, Providence, RI) Established 1918
        Pastor: Rev. John Maria Devaney, O.P.
        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Irenaeus (Shane) Dunlevy, OP
        Assistants: , Rev. Christopher H. Cordell, OP, and Rev. Donald P. Thibault, OP
        Holy Day Masses: Holy Day, 7am, 8:15 a.m. School Mass, 12noon and 7 p.m.
        Convent: Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, 30 Elmhurst Ave., Providence 02908, 401- 383-7605
        Elementary School: St. Pius V School, 49 Elmhurst Ave., 401- 421-9750, Fax 455-3928;; Principal: Sister Mary Amata O.P. ; Grades: PreK-8; Web:
      • St. Pius X
        St. Pius X
        44 Elm St., Westerly, RI, 02891-2196
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:00 AM English English 8:30 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM Or by appointment
        • Sat: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Or by appointment
        • Sun: 4:00 PM Healing Mass: second Sunday of every month (October-May) 2 p.m.
        • Tue: 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM with Benediction Nocturnal Adoration
        • 1st Fri: 8:00 PM Every First Friday beginning at 8 p.m. until First Saturday at 8 a.m.
        (Legal Title: St. Pius X Parish Corporation, Westerly)
        Established September 8, 1955, Elm St.

        Pastor: Rev. Daniel Mahoney
        Pastor Emeritus/In Residence: Rev. Raymond N. Suriani
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Francis J. Valliere
        Pastoral Associate: Mrs. Debra Carey
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Novena of St. Jude: Monday, 7 p.m.; Youth Group: meets Thursday, 7-8:30 p.m., Tel: 596-2535
        Eucharistic Adoration: Healing Mass: second Sunday of every month (October-May) 2 p.m.
        UNBOUND Deliverance and Healing Ministry: call the Rectory to schedule a prayer session Tel: 596-2535 ext. 3
        Faith Formation Director: Christine Magowan, Tel: 596-2535
      • St. Raymond
        St. Raymond
        1240 North Main St., Providence, RI, 02904-1812
        P: 401-351-4224 | F: 401-274-3350
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English
        • MF 9:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM prior to the 4:00pm Mass or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Raymond’s Church Corporation)
        Established 1911

        Pastor: Rev. Edward L. Pieroni
        Rectory and Mailing Address: 2 Matilda St., Providence, RI 02904-1812
        Holy Day Masses: Vigil, 5:30 p.m.; Holy Day, 12 p.m.
        Special Devotions: Rosary: every Monday-Friday, 8:45 a.m.
        Faith Formation Coordinator: Deborah Britto, Tel: 351-4224
      • St. Rita
        St. Rita
        722 Oakland Beach Ave., Warwick, RI, 02889-1822
        P: 401-738-1800 | F: 401-738-1806
        • Sat: 5:30 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English
        • Fri: 8:00 AM English English (other daily Masses held Mon. through Thu. at 8 a.m. at St. Timothy Church, 1799 Warwick Ave., Warwick)
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment at St. Timothy Church, 1799 Warwick Ave., Warwick
        (Legal Title: St. Rita’s Church Corporation, Oakland Beach)
        Established 1935, 722 Oakland Beach Ave.

        Pastor: Rev. Dean P. Perri
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Kenneth J. Andrade
        Rectory: 722 Oakland Beach Ave., Warwick, RI 02889-9633
        Holy Day Mass: 12 p.m. at St. Rita Church
        Reconciliation: Saturday, 3-3:45 p.m. or by appointment at St. Timothy Church, 1799 Warwick Ave., Warwick
        Special Devotions: Rosary on Fridays at 3 p.m. for Divine Mercy Chaplet at St. Rita Church; Rosary on Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m. followed by 8 a.m. Mass at St. Timothy Church; “Flame of Love Rosary” (contact: every other Wednesday at 1 p.m. at St. Timothy Church, 1799 Warwick Ave., Warwick.
        Faith Formation: Director and Youth Minister: Virginia Conwy, Tel: 739-9552

      • St. Robert Bellarmine
        St. Robert Bellarmine
        1804 Atwood Ave., Johnston, RI, 02919-3244
        P: 401-232-5600 | F: 401-231-5793
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 10:00 AM English English 11:30 AM English English
        • MW F 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by arranging a time with the parish priest
        (Legal Title: St. Robert Bellarmine Church Corporation, Johnston) Established August 27, 1963

        Pastor: Rev. Richard A. Narciso  
        Pastor Emeritus:  Rev. John G. LaPointe
        Holy Days: as announced in the bulletin 
        Family Faith Formation, Outreach and Evangelization: Dina Veiga, Director, 232-9321, 
      • St. Rocco
        St. Rocco
        927 Atwood Ave., Johnston, RI, 02919-6240
        P: 401-942-5203 | F: 401-464-6422
        • Sat: 5:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM Other English/Italian 10:00 AM English English 12:00 PM English English
        • 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Rocco Church of Johnston) (Italian)
        Established 1903

        Pastor: Rev. Angelo N. Carusi; Deacon 
        Assistant: Deacon Robert P. Troia
        Mass on Legal Holidays: 8 a.m.
        Holy Day Masses: 7 a.m., 9 a.m. (School Mass) and 6 p.m. 
        Special Devotions: Rosary, Novena Prayers and Benediction: Tuesday, 6 p.m.
        Faith Formation Director: Mrs. Megan Reitz, Tel: 944-6040
        Elementary School: St. Rocco Regional School, 931 Atwood Ave., Johnston, RI 02919, Tel: 944-2993, Fax: 944-3019, Principal: Ms. Regina Hand, Email:, Web:, Grades: PreK-8

        Note: St. Brigid Church, Johnston, closed July 1, 2019. All sacramental records held at St. Rocco Parish, Johnston, RI. 
      • St. Sebastian
        St. Sebastian
        67 Cole Ave., Providence, RI, 02906-4696
        P: 401-751-0196 | F: 401-273-2753
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English November through March 5:00 PM English English April through October
        • Sun: 9:00 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • MF 7:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM November through March - - or by appointment 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM April through October - - or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Church of St. Sebastian)
        Established March 23, 1915, 67 Cole Ave.

        Pastor: Rev. Edward A. Sousa, Jr.
        Holy Day Masses: As announced in the parish bulletin
        Special Devotions: Novena Prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Tuesday, after a.m. Mass; Recitation of the Rosary: Monday – Friday before 7 a.m. Mass.
        Faith Formation : Ms. Karin Schrott, Director, 401-751-0196,

      • St. Stanislaus Kostka
        St. Stanislaus Kostka
        188 Harris Ave., Woonsocket, RI, 02895-1809
        • Sat: 5:15 PM English English
        • Sun: 9:00 AM Polish Polski
        • Thu: 7:00 PM Polish Polski
        • Mon: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM or by appointment
        • Sat: 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM
        • Mon: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
        • Thu: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Holy Hour
        (Legal Title: St. Stanislaus Kostka Church of Woonsocket) (Polish) Established March 1905
        Administrator: Very Rev. Dariusz G. Jonczyk

        Holy Day Masses: 8 a.m. and 7 p.m
        Facebook -
      • St. Teresa of Avila (CLOSED)
        St. Teresa of Avila (CLOSED)
        275 Manton Ave., Providence, RI
        P: 401.751.7575 | F: 401.621.9605
        Parish closed 2009.

        Building sold.

        Sacramental records are maintained at Blessed Sacrament Church, 239 Regent Ave., Providence, RI, 02908, 401.751.7575,
      • St. Teresa of the Child Jesus
        St. Teresa of the Child Jesus
        358 Newport Ave., Pawtucket, RI, 02861-4130
        P: 401-722-4470 | F: 401-722-2958
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 7:30 AM English English 9:00 AM English English 10:30 AM English English
        • M Tu Th F 7:15 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
        (Legal Title: Church of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Pawtucket, RI)
        Established 1929, 358 Newport Ave.

        Rev. Joshua A. Barrow
        Holy Day Masses: 7:15 a.m., 12 p.m. and 7 p.m.
        Faith Formation: Lindsey Rutkowski, director, Tel: 722-8650
        Elementary School: St. Teresa School, 140 Woodhaven Rd., Pawtucket, RI 02861, Tel: 726-1414, Fax: 722-6998, Principal: Ms. Susan Mansfield, Email:, Web:, Grades: PreK-8

      • St. Theresa
        St. Theresa
        265 Stafford Rd., Tiverton, RI, 02878-2498
        P: 401-624-8746 | F: 401-625-5384
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English 11:00 AM English English
        • Mon: 8:00 AM English English
        • Tue: 8:00 AM English English
        • Wed: 8:00 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: Saint Theresa’s Parish Corporation, Tiverton) Established 1960
        Pastor: Rev. Phillip J. Dufour
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Timothy P. Flanigan

        Special Devotions:
        - Novena to Our Lady of Fatima, (with Rosary) on Tues., 6:30 p.m.
        - Morning Prayer, Mon. – Wed., 7:45 a.m.
        - First Friday Mass, 9:30 a.m. at Brookdale Nursing Home
        - Weekly Adoration with Reconciliation on Thurs., Season of Advent, 6-7 p.m.
        Outreach Ministry Serving Tiverton: Mrs. Cynthia Wesling, 624-8746
        Religious Ed: Lynne Swass, Director,  401- 624-8746
        Youth Ministry: Kelsey Hetu, D, Conf.

      • St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
        Burrillville (Nasonville/Harrisville)
        St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
        35 Dion Dr., Burrillville (Nasonville/Harrisville), RI, 02830-1731
        P: 401-568-8280 | F: 401-568-5351
        (Legal Title: Church of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Nasonville) Established Aug. 23, 1923, Douglas Pike
        Parishes unified on July 1, 2019 (St. Theresa - Mission Church)

        St. Theresa of the Child Jesus is a mission of Our Lady of Good Help Parish, Burrillville. Sacramental records are maintained at interparish office, 35 Dion Dr., Harrisville, RI 02830-1731

        See parish listing for "Our Lady of Good Help & St. Theresa Shrine" for Mass times and more.
      • St. Thomas
        St. Thomas
        65 Fruit Hill Ave., Providence, RI, 02909-5598
        P: 401-272-7118 | F: 401-272-8431
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English
        • Sun: 10:30 AM English English
        • MF 7:30 AM English English
        • Sat: 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Thomas’ Church of Manton, RI)
        Established April 7, 1886, 65 Fruit Hill Ave.

        Pastor: Very Rev. John P. Soares
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Albert DePetrillo
        Faith Formation Director: Sandra Pavlow, Grades: 1-9 (Confirmation II); RCIA: please call the rectory office at 
        Tel: 272-7118, Fax: 272-8431
        Elementary School: St. Thomas Regional STEAM Academy, 15 Edendale Ave., Providence, RI 02911-2809; Tel: 351-0403, Fax: 351-0403 (call first); Principal: Mrs. Mary C. DiMuccio, Email:; Web:; Grades: PreK-8
      • St. Thomas More
        St. Thomas More
        53 Rockland St., Narragansett, RI, 02882-3620
        • Sat: 4:00 PM English English at St. Veronica Chapel, 1035 Boston Neck Rd., Rt. 1A, Narragansett 5:00 PM English English at St. Thomas More Church, 53 Rockland St., Narragansett
        • Sun: 8:00 AM English English at St. Thomas More Church, 53 Rockland St., Narragansett 9:00 AM English English at St. Veronica Chapel, 1035 Boston Neck Rd., Rt. 1A, Narragansett 10:00 AM English English at St. Thomas More Church, 53 Rockland St., Narragansett 11:00 AM English English at St. Veronica Chapel, 1035 Boston Neck Rd., Rt. 1A, Narragansett 8:00 PM English English Last Mass: Sunday 8 PM in July & Aug. ONLY at St. Veronica Chapel, 1035 Boston Neck Rd., Rt. 1A, Narragansett
        • MSa 9:00 AM English English at St. Thomas More Church, 53 Rockland St., Narragansett
        • Sat: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM at St. Thomas More Church, 53 Rockland St., Narragansett - - or by appointment
        (Legal Title: St. Thomas More Church, Narragansett Pier, RI) Established as a mission, April, 1891, Parish 1917, 53 Rockland St.

        Pastor: Rev. Marcel L. Taillon 
        Assistant Pastor: Rev. Joseph Mappilamattel, CMI
        Deacon Assistant: Deacon Joseph J. Clossick
        Holy Day Masses: Visit
        All Liturgies are livestreamed at
        Reconciliation: Saturday 4-4:45 PM at St. Thomas More, or by appointment.
        Faith Formation Director: MaryTheresa Conca, 401-789-7682
      • St. Thomas the Apostle